Standards black cherry, falls bright gold ground, maroon marginal band with dotting inside band, white area around sienna beards. Height 100 cm.
Natural species growing on sunny places, fully frost-resistant in Czech Republic and Germany. Standards white, falls white, bented down. Beards white. Height 50-60 cm. Flowering time May. Fine iris for sunny flowerbeds.
PURE INNOCENCE (Sutton 2006)
Flowers heavily ruffled, white. Standards palest lavender at base. Beards white tipped yellow, elongated to white flounces. Slight sweet fragrance. Height 85 cm. Belongs to the Space Age group.
WORLD PREMIER (Schreiners 1998)
Standards blue white, falls dark blue violet with white rim, ruffled. Beards yellow, blue at base. Height 95 cm. Highly prized iris.
Standards light burgundy-rose, falls burgundy to plum red, velvety. Flowers ruffled and laced. Beards tangerine red. Sweet fragrance. Height 100 cm.
SNAPSHOT (Johnson 2007)
Standards yellow, red dots at base, falls mahogany red, large yellow central area around yellow-orange beard. Height 80 cm. Sweet fragrance of the flowers. Excellent sort.
CHELSEA BLEU (Cayeux 2004)
Standards pale blue washed lavender, falls velvety pansy violet; beards bright orange-red. Pleasant slight fragrance. Very beautiful French sort.
Standards light tan, falls clear rosy red, narrow tan border. Beards tangerine red.
EYE FOR STYLE (Blyth 2006)
Soft cattleya pink self, standards beige pink lacy edge, style arms flecked beige and blue, falls lavender blue blaze in center, lacy. Beards tangerine orange
Flowers of a very faintly bluish shade rather than pure white with some greenish-yellow veining on the haft and a deep yellow beard. Wild species, coming from Italy and Southern Europe. Flowers very pleasantly fragrant!
Standards buff gold lightly infused violet up midribs, falls dark purple, lighter orchid-purple bands blending into gold rims, ruffled. Beards orange. Sweet fragrance.
GRAND CANARI (Cayeux 2006)
Standards pure yellow, falls yellow, white center line. Standards and falls very ruffled. Beards orange with elongated white horn. Height 100 cm, late bloom. Belongs to the Space Age group of irises.
INK PATTERNS (Johnson 2007)
Standards and falls white, strong blue-violet stitched edge, ruffled. Beards white tipped violet blue. Slight pleasant fragrance.
JUST A KISS AWAY (Baumunk 2008)
Standards light yellow, pink blush in center when fresh, laced, falls light yellow blending to medium yellow at edges, laced. Beards orange, light yellow at end. Height 110 cm.
OUT OF THE DARK (Black 2007)
Standards light buff washed medium purple, falls buff, wide purple plicata band, dotted and sanded inside band; markings heavier over haft, sanded luminata-plicata patch around beard, sanded line down center, ruffled. Beards white tipped burnt orange. Slight spicy fragrance. Height 100 cm.
germanica Spectabilis
Standards blue to blue-violet, falls blue-violet, bent down, around the white bears with a fine pattern. Height 40-50 cm. Blooms in May. Nice iris, especially suitable for sunny rock gardens. Flowering time April / May. Fine iris for sunny rock gardens.
QUEEN'S CIRCLE (Kerr 2000)
Standards white, falls white with dark blue edge. Flowers beautifully ruffled. Beards orange red, pale yellow at end. Slight fragrance. Height 80 cm.
RARE COIN (Ghio 2014)
Standards gold, falls white at beard washing to light yellow toward petal edges, precise deep brown rim. Beards yellow. Height 80 cm.
RARE QUALITY (Schreiners 1999)
Standards and falls white, deep plum purple edge. Beards blue, yellow hair tips and in throat. Height 90 cm
CELEBRATION SONG (Schreiner 1993)
Standards pink-white, falls white with sky blue border. The edges of the flower are gracefully waved. Beards promiment, tangerine orange. Height 80 cm.
STILETTOS (Johnson 2009)
Standards laced blue-pink, falls buff pink, slightly darker hafts and edges, laced. Beards orange, elongated to a slender violet horns. Flowers slightly fragrant. Belongs to the Space Age (SA) Group.
TOILE DE JOUY (Cayeux 2005)
Flowers ruffled, standards delicate salmon-pink, falls cream white, pink mauve border. Beards tangerine orange-red, prolonged to the horns. Slight sweet fragrance. Beautiful sort belonging to Space Age Type Irises.
Standards sky blue, falls slightly lighter, extremely ruffled. Beards white. Slight sweet fragrance. Height 110 cm. The best blue iris for me, great!
Large (20 cm), double flowers, light apricot to pastel color with picotee edged petals, often curled. Flowers emit very pleasant lemony scent. Wonderful shrub that is very disease and pest resistant, grows up to 150 cm height and 120 cm width. Two year old grafted plant, sent in 2 liter container.