Carnation Bouquet
Carnation Bouquet
Carnation Bouquet

CARNATION BOUQUET - XL plant No. 8 (2023)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 8. Pretty double vivid rose, very bright flowers. Petals of uniform size give a carnation-like appearance. Wonderful spicy fragrance. One flower per stem, excellent for cutting. Very popular, but rare, seldom offered peony.

Sales price 980 Kč

Pretty double vivid rose, very bright flowers. Petals of uniform size give a carnation-like appearance. Wonderful spicy fragrance. One flower per stem, excellent for cutting. Very popular, but rare, seldom offered peony.

Category: PEONY (Paeonia)
Type: Lactiflora hybride (herbaceous)
Flower Type: Double
Height: 80 cm
Colour: pink
Fragrance: yes
Flowering season: middle
Root size: 3/5 buds (250g), available in autumn (bareroot)