Standards magenta, falls salmon ground, edged and heavily stitched magenta. Beards tangerine orange. A brilliant plicata, beautiful sort.
INK PATTERNS (Johnson 2007)
Standards and falls white, strong blue-violet stitched edge, ruffled. Beards white tipped violet blue. Slight pleasant fragrance.
JACQUES COEUR (Cayeux 2010)
Soft yellow standards, falls of the same yellow with a wide, raspberry red border, strongly waved. Beards golden yellow. Height 95 cm. Large flowers, well-branched stems, excellent french sort.
JAZZ BAND (Keppel 2006)
Standards orange, falls orange with wide purple-red band and purple venation, ruffled. Beards bright, orange-red.
JURASSIC PARK (Lauer 1995)
Standards canary yellow, falls blended lavender blue purple, yellow veining and edging, broad and ruffled. Beards yellow, tipped blue purple. Reblooming sort. Slight sweet fragrance.
JUST A KISS AWAY (Baumunk 2008)
Standards light yellow, pink blush in center when fresh, laced, falls light yellow blending to medium yellow at edges, laced. Beards orange, light yellow at end. Height 110 cm.
KARIBIK (Mego 2011)
Standards delicate smoky grey-violet, falls cream, nearly white with blue patch in center, delicate yellow border. Beards golden orange, pale blue at end. Slight sweet fragrance. Extraordinary sort.
KEIKO'S WORLD (Johnson 1996)
Standards ruffled dark blue, falls with small whitish stripe at tip of beard. Beards light blue.
LIBELLULE DE SOLOGNE (Bourdillon 2005)
Standards white, light blue violet midrib, falls light blue-violet, paler around the beard and on shoulders. Beards white with long light blueviolet flounces. Beautiful French iris of the Space Age Type.
LOUISA'S SONG (Blyth 1999/2000)
Standards lilac orchid, ruffled and laced, falls red lavender to orchid lavender, lilac orchid edge, incredibly ruffled. Beards bright tangerine. Slight sweet fragrance. Lavishly ruffled and laced excellent sort.
MAGIC LAMP (Mego 2009)
Flowers ruffled, standards golden yellow, falls marbled bright dark red edged creamy yellow. Beards gold, red flounces or horns. Slight sweet fragrance. Beautiful sort with clear flower colors, belonging to Space Age Type Irises, bred by Slovak grower A. Mego.
MANAGUA (Ghio 1994)
Opaque orange self, falls orange, somewhat lighter around beards. Beards shining coral red. One of the best orange iris sorts, recommended.
MANNEKEN PIS (Muška 1999)
Standards amethyst, laced, falls amethyst, cream around beards, edges very laced. Beards bright orange with long amethyst flounce. Slight fragrance. Unique Space Age sort.
MASTERY (Blyth 2001)
Standards honey yellow, falls ruby red brown, with tan beige band. Flowers big and broad, ruffled. Beards old gold. Slight sweet fragrance. Late bloom season. Excellent sort.
Standards yellow center and darker, very ruffled margin and fine veining, falls strongly flared and ruffled, white, with yellow rims and base. Beards dark marigold in throat, light yellow at end. Flowers slighty sweet fragrant. Husky growth with average increase.
MER DU SUD (Cayeux 97)
Sea blue self. Fascinating big flowers, heavily ruffled. Beards light blue. Slight fragrance. Very floriferous, great sort.
MERRY AMIGO (Blyth 2009)
Flowers very ruffled, standards pure white, falls red violet with well-defined white edge. Beards bright tangerine orange. Very nice sort, perfect branching.
MESMERIZER (Byers 1990)
Dome and standards ruffled, white. Beards tangerine red with large uplifted frilly white flounce terminating in pale green button pompon. Highly prized, nice iris beloning to Space Age Type group, makes really a very beautiful flounces...
MIST ARISING (Blyth 2008)
Standards lemon cream, lavender midribs, falls lavender, slightly deeper flash, heavy gold hafts, ruffled. Beards orange, elongated to 3 cm long purple horn. Height 90 cm. Wonderful iris of the Space Age Type.
MODRÝ TRN (Seidl 2002)
Light greyed lavender blue self. Falls with honey and white pattern near beards, ruffled. Beards dark blue, old gold in throat, dark blue horn. Slight fragrance. Unique Space Age sort, coming from the moravian breeder.
Standards blended silver, grey and lavender, falls cream ground heavily speckled yellow, brown and lavender on upper half, wide silvery lavender edge. Beards mustard yellow. Slight sweet fragrance.
MY LADY JANE (Slošiar 2016)
Standards golden yellow, falls velvety burgundy-black with wide golden rim, ruffled. White stripes around beards. Beards golden yellow. Height 120 cm, strong stems, fine branching. Origin: STOP THE TRAFIC x SPRING MADNESS, seedling SL-590. Fine iris from Czech breeder.
MYS HORN (Muška 1999)
Standards pure white, heavily laced and ruffled, falls white with lemon yellow infusion at base, ruffled, laced. Beards light yellow with long white spoon. Slight pleasant fragrance. Excellent sort from the Slovak breeder.
NOSEGAY (Saunders 1950)
Single flowers, shell pink to soft salmon glazed in silver, fat golden yellow stamens surrounding purple stigmas complete a sensational display. Noticeable fragrance. It is a hybrid created from P. mlokosewitschi x P. tenuifolia breeding. Early blooming, very floriferous and vigorous, charming, recommended.