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Standards white, yellow gilt rim, falls white ground, purple sanded pattern with yellow rim. Standards and falls nicely ruffled. Beards yellow and orange. Late flowering season.
RIO (Keppel 2001)
Standards peach orange, falls soft pinkish purple wash on lighter edge and around beard, slightly ruffled. Beards burnt orange. Very nice sort.
Standards beige to buff, falls lilac violet overlaid reddish brown, more violet at edge, a small spray pattern around the beards. Beards muted gold. Pronounced sweet fragrance. Strong and nice stem branching.
RULING LORD (Blyth 2002/03)
Standards lemon yellow shaded honey buff, falls ruby to plum, honey-yellow edge. Beards golden yellow. Flowers nicely ruffled. Pronounced sweet fragrance.
SEA POWER (Keppel 1999)
Standards cornflower blue, falls somewhat darker blue with lighter edges. Beards blue white at end, light lemon in throat. Flowers heavily ruffled, pronounced sweet fragrance. Sort received American Dykes Medal 2006.
SHARP DRESSED MAN (Johnson 2010)
Standards iridescent medium purple, falls elegantly ruffled, purple black, velvety texture with slightly lighter rim. Beards prominent bright orange. Pleasant sweet fragrance. Robust and healthy growth, very ellegant iris.
SHIRLEY POPE (Currier McEwen 1979)
Standards red-purple, falls similar to standards with velvety texture, white signal. Plant height 70 cm. Popular sort, widely used in perennial flowerbeds.
SILVER CITY (Sutton 2003)
Flowers large, ruffled and laced, pale orchid and white. Beards brick red ending with long lavender pink horns. Healthy growth, nicely branched stems. Sort belongs to SA (Space Age) type.
SILVER EDGE (McEwen 1973)
Deep sky blue flowers, shaded with darker blue tones, falls painted with intricate yellow and white blazes at the base and edged in silver. Height 70 cm. Fine tetraploid sort.
Standards white shaded orchid lavender, slight blue veining, gold rim, falls dark velvety blue purple, slightly lighter rim, white area around gold beard with purple veining changing to brown, ruffled. Slight sweet fragrance. Superb, world unique sort from the Slovak breeder.
SNAPSHOT (Johnson 2007)
Standards yellow, red dots at base, falls mahogany red, large yellow central area around yellow-orange beard. Height 80 cm. Sweet fragrance of the flowers. Excellent sort.
SOMEBODY LOVES ME (Hollingorth 1998)
Flowers ruffled, medium blue violet, falls with very large white blaze, style arms light blue. Plant height 80 cm. Reliable flowering and fine growing sort.
Standards light brown, dotted, lightly veined cocoa brown, falls yellow brown, heavily dotted lavender around mustard beard, heavily washed dark brown, edged lighter, very ruffled. Pronounced spicy fragrance. Unique colour combination, great sort from the Czech breeder.
SPELLBREAKER (Schreiner 1991)
Ruffled standards and falls cranberry violet, lighter around beards, fine violet venation. Beards white, bushy. Big flowers, healthy growth.
SPICED TIGER (Kasperek 1996)
Standards light brown splashed butter yellow, falls mahogany brown with silver white streaking, crinkled edges, ruffled.. Beards golden brown. Pronounced spicy fragrance.
SPLASHACATA (Tasco 1998)
Standards blue to pallid violet, falls white ground, allover peppering of purple dots more concentrated at edge, lightly ruffled. Beards light blue tipped golden yellow. Precious sort.
SPRING MADNESS (Johnson 2009)
Standards white flushed yellow, falls medium yellow, lighter below beards, overlaid with purple-brown veins, wide white edge. Beards yellow-orange. Purple based foliage. Slight fragrance.
STILETTOS (Johnson 2009)
Standards laced blue-pink, falls buff pink, slightly darker hafts and edges, laced. Beards orange, elongated to a slender violet horns. Flowers slightly fragrant. Belongs to the Space Age (SA) Group.
STOP THE TRAFFIC (Blyth 2007/08)
Standards laced, bright gold deepening to rich old gold at midrib, falls mahogany red-brown with bright gold laced edge, ruffled. Beards mustard yellow. Pronounced sweet fragrance.
Arched golden ochre yellow standards and solid rich mahogany-red falls, striped around beards. Beards mustard yellow. Big flowers. Boldness in size, color and habit. Excellent sort.
SWANS IN FLIGHT (Hollingworth 2006)
Pure white self, very large flowers. Late bloom. Plant height 85 cm. Excellent, sure the best white sort of siberian irises, many awards, first Dykes Medal for siberians ever!
Standards deep tangerine, falls tannish orange ground with stippled red wine overlay, ruffled, flared. Beards light orange. Unique color combination, fine sort.
TEAMWORK (Keppel 2000)
Standards light lavender blue, falls dark velvety purple, slightly ruffled. Beards ginger yelow. Slight sweet fragrance.
TEASING TIGER (Painter 2012)
Standards and falls orange, ruffled. Falls with dark maroon-purple lines fading at edges. Beards coral orange. Sweet citrus fragrance. Excellent orange iris, my beloved…