INK PATTERNS (Johnson 2007)
Standards and falls white, strong blue-violet stitched edge, ruffled. Beards white tipped violet blue. Slight pleasant fragrance.
Standards sky blue, falls slightly lighter, extremely ruffled. Beards white. Slight sweet fragrance. Height 110 cm. The best blue iris for me, great!
CLOTHO'S WEB (Mego 2009)
Flowers wavy, standards blue, lightly stitched white at base, falls blue purple, around beards blue is overlaid with white veins, edges irregularly marked with light white commas. Beards cream base, tipped light orange, white at end. Slight sweet fragrance. Fine sort bred by Slovak grower Anton Mego.
Standards lemon yellow, falls somewhat lighter in center, vvery ruffled. Beards golden yellow. Height 85 cm. Fine yellow iris from Slovak breeder.
FLASH OF LIGHT (Johnson T. 2008)
Standards white, hint of blue surround. Falls dark blue, large white blaze around bright gold-yellow beard, very ruffled. Slight sweet fragrance.
CHELSEA BLEU (Cayeux 2004)
Standards pale blue washed lavender, falls velvety pansy violet; beards bright orange-red. Pleasant slight fragrance. Very beautiful French sort.
GRAND CANARI (Cayeux 2006)
Standards pure yellow, falls yellow, white center line. Standards and falls very ruffled. Beards orange with elongated white horn. Height 100 cm, late bloom. Belongs to the Space Age group of irises.
CELEBRATION SONG (Schreiner 1993)
Standards pink-white, falls white with sky blue border. The edges of the flower are gracefully waved. Beards promiment, tangerine orange. Height 80 cm.