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MESMERIZER (Byers 1990)
Dome and standards ruffled, white. Beards tangerine red with large uplifted frilly white flounce terminating in pale green button pompon. Highly prized, nice iris beloning to Space Age Type group, makes really a very beautiful flounces...
MIDNIGHT MIST (Black 1995)
Standards wide red violet plicata band, small white central area, falls white near beard, red violet luminata wash over center, darker red violet plicata band. Beards violet in throat, white at end. Slight spicy fragrance.
MIST ARISING (Blyth 2008)
Standards lemon cream, lavender midribs, falls lavender, slightly deeper flash, heavy gold hafts, ruffled. Beards orange, elongated to 3 cm long purple horn. Height 90 cm. Wonderful iris of the Space Age Type.
MODRÝ TRN (Seidl 2002)
Light greyed lavender blue self. Falls with honey and white pattern near beards, ruffled. Beards dark blue, old gold in throat, dark blue horn. Slight fragrance. Unique Space Age sort, coming from the moravian breeder.
Standards blended silver, grey and lavender, falls cream ground heavily speckled yellow, brown and lavender on upper half, wide silvery lavender edge. Beards mustard yellow. Slight sweet fragrance.
MUSIC (Keppel 1999)
Standards peach orange, falls light orange-yellow ground with purple dots and veins on the edge, ruffled. Beards coral red. Slight fragrance.
MY LADY JANE (Slošiar 2016)
Standards golden yellow, falls velvety burgundy-black with wide golden rim, ruffled. White stripes around beards. Beards golden yellow. Height 120 cm, strong stems, fine branching. Origin: STOP THE TRAFIC x SPRING MADNESS, seedling SL-590. Fine iris from Czech breeder.
MYS HORN (Muška 1999)
Standards pure white, heavily laced and ruffled, falls white with lemon yellow infusion at base, ruffled, laced. Beards light yellow with long white spoon. Slight pleasant fragrance. Excellent sort from the Slovak breeder.
NO CONTEST (Maryott 1996)
Standards light yellow, falls purple violet with light yellow rim. Beards yellow in throat, white at end. Slight fragrance.
OH BABE (Anderson 1981)
Standards deep gold, falls white ground with broad band of dark red brown plicata markings, deep gold in center, light brown edge. Beards deep yellow. Healthy growth.
OLIVER (Hooker Nichols 1971)
Creamy white self, on falls wide brown spot around beards. Beards yellow orange and white. Slight fragrance.
OPEN YOUR EYES (Black 2010)
Standards white, falls white with large irregularly blended inky dark-blue spot, ruffled. Beards white. Pronounced sweet fragrance. Height 35 cm.
ORANGE CAPER (Warburton 1964)
Standards and falls vivid yellow. Beard bright orange. Height 30 cm. Slight fragrance.
Standards black cherry, falls bright gold ground, maroon marginal band with dotting inside band, white area around sienna beards. Height 100 cm.
OUT OF THE DARK (Black 2007)
Standards light buff washed medium purple, falls buff, wide purple plicata band, dotted and sanded inside band; markings heavier over haft, sanded luminata-plicata patch around beard, sanded line down center, ruffled. Beards white tipped burnt orange. Slight spicy fragrance. Height 100 cm.
Natural species growing on sunny places, fully frost-resistant in Czech Republic and Germany. Standards white, falls white, bented down. Beards white. Height 50-60 cm. Flowering time May. Fine iris for sunny flowerbeds.
White edged leaves year round. Light blue self, standards and falls slightly ruffled. Beards yellow in throat, light blue at tips. Midseason bloom. Strong and very pleasant fragrance.
Yellow edged leaves year round. Light blue self, standards and falls slightly ruffled. Beards yellow in throat, light blue at tips. Midseason bloom. Strong and very pleasant fragrance.
Standards wine red, falls dark ruby with lighter wine red edge. Flowers very ruffled. Beards golden yellow. Fine sort bred by Czech breeder Dusan Slosiar (MASTERY X ROMANTIC GENTLEMAN) - seedling No.S-1034. Only a few plants available!
PAUL BLACK (Johnson 2003)
Medium dark purple blue self, nicely ruffled. Wide beards dark orange. Pronounced spicy fragrance. Excellent sort, unique colour combination, many shows winner.
PEGGY ANNE (Sutton 2007)
Standards and falls purple black, irregularly streaked silver, ruffled. Beards black purple tipped old gold. Slight sweet fragrance. Unique broken color pattern.
PERUN (Nejedlo 2016)
Standards light salmon orange, falls wide, amethyst violet with lighter ruffled edge, white marbled around beards. Beards prominent orange red. Healthy growth, fine colour combination. Excellent sort…
PHOTON (Smith 2005)
Standards pure yellow, greener at midrib, falls yellow, bright yellow distal edge, ruffled. Beards coral orange. Slight fragrance.
PIRATE AHOY (Blyth 2005)
Standards bright lemon yellow, falls red burgundy to ruby, bright yellow even starburst pattern extending half way down. Beards bright golden yellow.