OLD ROSE DANDY (Laning 1993)
Semi-double flowers of old rose color which intensifies (darkens) with age (unusual color), large flare at base of petals, interesting purplish rose blend at opening. Profuse flowering, lovely dark green leaves. Height 80 cm. Unique sort, always in high demand.
Standards black cherry, falls bright gold ground, maroon marginal band with dotting inside band, white area around sienna beards. Height 100 cm.
OUT OF THE DARK (Black 2007)
Standards light buff washed medium purple, falls buff, wide purple plicata band, dotted and sanded inside band; markings heavier over haft, sanded luminata-plicata patch around beard, sanded line down center, ruffled. Beards white tipped burnt orange. Slight spicy fragrance. Height 100 cm.
Natural species growing on sunny places, fully frost-resistant in Czech Republic and Germany. Standards white, falls white, bented down. Beards white. Height 50-60 cm. Flowering time May. Fine iris for sunny flowerbeds.
White edged leaves year round. Light blue self, standards and falls slightly ruffled. Beards yellow in throat, light blue at tips. Midseason bloom. Strong and very pleasant fragrance.
Yellow edged leaves year round. Light blue self, standards and falls slightly ruffled. Beards yellow in throat, light blue at tips. Midseason bloom. Strong and very pleasant fragrance.
Standards wine red, falls dark ruby with lighter wine red edge. Flowers very ruffled. Beards golden yellow. Fine sort bred by Czech breeder Dusan Slosiar (MASTERY X ROMANTIC GENTLEMAN) - seedling No.S-1034. Only a few plants available!
PAUL BLACK (Johnson 2003)
Medium dark purple blue self, nicely ruffled. Wide beards dark orange. Pronounced spicy fragrance. Excellent sort, unique colour combination, many shows winner.
PEGGY ANNE (Sutton 2007)
Standards and falls purple black, irregularly streaked silver, ruffled. Beards black purple tipped old gold. Slight sweet fragrance. Unique broken color pattern.
PERUN (Nejedlo 2016)
Standards light salmon orange, falls wide, amethyst violet with lighter ruffled edge, white marbled around beards. Beards prominent orange red. Healthy growth, fine colour combination. Excellent sort…
Large, very dark red flowers, semi-double to double, fine waxy substance. Bright yellow stamens in the centre are visible during full bloom. Shiny green foliage on strong erect stems, nice purple autumn coloration of leaves.
Large double flowers, light pink heavily dotted dark pink. Unique sort with perfectly round finely dotted flowers. Healthy growth, nice foliage, simply a jewel among peonies! Till now very rare new sort, beautiful, recommended!
PILLOW TALK (Klehm C.G. 1973)
Flowers double, large, no stamens. Cameo pink colour with hint of rose at base, pleasantly fragrant. Excellent as a cut flower. Strong stems and dark green leaves, height 80 cm. Charming!
PIRATE AHOY (Blyth 2005)
Standards bright lemon yellow, falls red burgundy to ruby, bright yellow even starburst pattern extending half way down. Beards bright golden yellow.
White ground, dark blue violet plicata edge. Beards white, tipped yellow. Big flowers, valued sort.
Pure light blue self, strongly ruffled. Beards orange red. Sweet floral fragrance. Perfect growth habit, and bud counts. Beautiful sort.
PURE INNOCENCE (Sutton 2006)
Flowers heavily ruffled, white. Standards palest lavender at base. Beards white tipped yellow, elongated to white flounces. Slight sweet fragrance. Height 85 cm. Belongs to the Space Age group.
QUEEN OF ANGELS (Schreiner 1995)
Heavily laced white self, tinted lavender Beards white, tipped yellow. Late flowering. Excellent branching (3 or 4 branches with 10 or 11 buds).
QUEEN'S CIRCLE (Kerr 2000)
Standards white, falls white with dark blue edge. Flowers beautifully ruffled. Beards orange red, pale yellow at end. Slight fragrance. Height 80 cm.
RARE COIN (Ghio 2014)
Standards gold, falls white at beard washing to light yellow toward petal edges, precise deep brown rim. Beards yellow. Height 80 cm.
RARE QUALITY (Schreiners 1999)
Standards and falls white, deep plum purple edge. Beards blue, yellow hair tips and in throat. Height 90 cm
Standards light burgundy-rose, falls burgundy to plum red, velvety. Flowers ruffled and laced. Beards tangerine red. Sweet fragrance. Height 100 cm.
RED CHARM (Glascock 1944)
AVAILABLE FROM OCTOBER 2020. Sensational deep red double flowers. Flowers large (20 cm), perfectly formed. Mild sweet fragrance. The stems are strong and hold the large blooms erect. Excellent foliage. One of the best red coloured peonies, excellent for cutting.
Standards white, yellow gilt rim, falls white ground, purple sanded pattern with yellow rim. Standards and falls nicely ruffled. Beards yellow and orange. Late flowering season.