LEMON CLOUDS (Laning/Klehm 2008)
NOVELTY! Flowers semi-double, 15 cm in diameter, soft lemon yellow, inner petals rounded, outer petals fringed. Upright growth, flowers grow single on strong stems, are fragrant and very suitable for cutting. Plant height 70 cm. A novelty, so far only rarely offered!
Very large (17 cm), semi-double flowers, brilliant orange red hybrid with three or four rows of guard petals, all ruffled, golden yellow stamens in the center. Very attractive huge red flowers are fragrant, excellent for cutting. Plant height 90 cm.
MARIE LEMOINE (Calot 1869)
Flowers large, double, compact and flat at first; lemon-white with a trace of crimson on edges of a few petals, develops to a large, globular form, pure white, with a few yellow petaloids in the collar. Moderately floriferous; stout stems and foliage. Flowers pleasantly fragrant. Plant height 80 cm. Marie Lemoine (Calot 1869), white, cream at centre. Very large. Rose type. Medium height. Sweetly scented.
PINK VANGUARD (Seidl/Hollingsworth 2005)
Flower large, semi-double, pink. Long, broad guard petals surround several rows of inner petals having excellent substance. Opens a cool medium pink hue, passing lighter as the flower ages red accents at center. Very early flowering, vigorous plant with flowers that are resistant to late freeze damage. Plant height 80 cm.
SHE'S MY STAR (Klehm 2000)
Flowers double (Bomb type) multicolored pink and cream with tightly packed petals. The double row of round, large guard petals nicely hold the flower form. The blossom top matches the delicate color of the guards. Flowers slightly fragrant, good as a cut-flower. Strong stems, plant height 70 cm.
SINGING IN THE RAIN (Smith, Newton 2002)
Flowers semi-double, pleasantly fragrant. Newly opened flowers appear to be light orange, heavily flushed with pink, some petals have dark pink streaks. Mature flowers salmon to deep yellow. Combination of the two color stages gives the plant a very pretty two-tone effect (click on the photo to see them). Very floriferous, 3-4 buds per stem, 50 flowers in one plant! Flowers are virtually unaffected by heavy rain, thus the name. Plant height 120 cm. Very beautiful, only rarely offered peony, always in high demand. Limited amount of plants.
COMMAND PERFORMANCE (Hollingsworth 1996)
Full double, bomb-shaped flowers, very large (23 cm), cardinal red color, fragrant. Petals tightly packed to the center. One flower per stem, no sidebuds, so it is perfect for cutting. Plant height 80 cm.
CHRISTMAS VELVET (Anderson 1992)
Flowers large, double ball form, velvety red, pleasantly fragrant. The flowers bloom on strong stems above a leafy bush, so they are easily visible even from a distance. Thanks to the strong stems, the flowers are very suitable for cutting. Profusely flowering and healthy growing peony with nice foliage, plant height 70 cm.
CORAL MAGIC (Klehm 1998)
Flowers large, semi-double, cup-shaped, reddish-pink to deep rose coral with two to three rows of petals, with contrasting golden-yellow stamens in the center. The flowers grow singly on strong stems that have pretty dark green foliage. Plant height 80 cm. A beautiful novelty from a well-known American breeder.
ATHENA (Saunders 1949)
Flowers single, large, ivory-white to apricot-yellow with prominently present lavender flares at the base of the flower petals, contrasting golden-yellow stamens in the centre. It is a quadruple hybrid created from P. lactiflora x {(P. macrophylla x P. mlokosewitschii) x P. officinalis} breeding. Light fragrance. Early blooming, floriferous and vigorous with strong stems. Only rarely offered. Recommended. Plant height 80 cm.
JOKER (Rogers L./A. 2004)
Full double flowers, 1 - 3 per stem. Flowers open dark pink, matures to white-centre with pink picotee edge. Plants 80 cm high, strong stems. A beautiful peony, stunning flower colour changes during a day.
JUST A KISS AWAY (Baumunk 2008)
Standards light yellow, pink blush in center when fresh, laced, falls light yellow blending to medium yellow at edges, laced. Beards orange, light yellow at end. Height 110 cm.
RARE COIN (Ghio 2014)
Standards gold, falls white at beard washing to light yellow toward petal edges, precise deep brown rim. Beards yellow. Height 80 cm.
Standards buff gold lightly infused violet up midribs, falls dark purple, lighter orchid-purple bands blending into gold rims, ruffled. Beards orange. Sweet fragrance.
QUEEN'S CIRCLE (Kerr 2000)
Standards white, falls white with dark blue edge. Flowers beautifully ruffled. Beards orange red, pale yellow at end. Slight fragrance. Height 80 cm.
RARE QUALITY (Schreiners 1999)
Standards and falls white, deep plum purple edge. Beards blue, yellow hair tips and in throat. Height 90 cm
GLOWING SMILE (Hager 2001)
Standards white, ruffled, falls yellow with white rim and gold yellow venation. Beards yellow. Fine combination of two colors.
I FEEL LUCKY (Johnson 2006)
Standards sultry blue-purple, falls rich blue-violet, blue fall overlay, deeper around blue beards. Flowers very ruffled and laced, sweet fragrance. Strong growth, tall and very showy.
THAT'S ALL FOLKS (Maryott 2005)
Standards brilliant golden yellow, falls white, bordered and washed with this same bright gold of the standards. Beards golden yellow. Giant flowers, very ruffled and laced. Excellent sort, winner of many competitions, received American Dykes Medal 2013.
PERUN (Nejedlo 2016)
Standards light salmon orange, falls wide, amethyst violet with lighter ruffled edge, white marbled around beards. Beards prominent orange red. Healthy growth, fine colour combination. Excellent sort…
Standards yellow center and darker, very ruffled margin and fine veining, falls strongly flared and ruffled, white, with yellow rims and base. Beards dark marigold in throat, light yellow at end. Flowers slighty sweet fragrant. Husky growth with average increase.
GYPSY SMILE (Nejedlo 2016)
Standards creamy white, slight beige rim, falls black purple, ruffled, white eye and blue rim around prominent fiery red beards. Flowers pleasantly fragrant. Excellent sort recently bred by Czech grower P. Nejedlo.
MIST ARISING (Blyth 2008)
Standards lemon cream, lavender midribs, falls lavender, slightly deeper flash, heavy gold hafts, ruffled. Beards orange, elongated to 3 cm long purple horn. Height 90 cm. Wonderful iris of the Space Age Type.
INK PATTERNS (Johnson 2007)
Standards and falls white, strong blue-violet stitched edge, ruffled. Beards white tipped violet blue. Slight pleasant fragrance.