Results 73 - 96 of 223

FLAME (Glasscock 1939)

Medium to large single flowers are fiery scarlet red with contrasting golden stamens. Strong but fairly short stems come from breeding P. lactiflora x P. peregrina. Plant height 70 cm, recommended for group plantings in sunny gardens. Works well as a cut flower too.

Sales price: 370 Kč

FLASH OF LIGHT (Johnson T. 2008)

Standards white, hint of blue surround. Falls dark blue, large white blaze around bright gold-yellow beard, very ruffled. Slight sweet fragrance.

Sales price: 130 Kč


Flowers double, blush white, with a scarlet suffusion deepening to center, opened flowers are of rose shape, very wide and narrow petals intermingled. Very fragrant! Strong stems, very vigorous and floriferous.

Sales price: 490 Kč


Flowers of a very faintly bluish shade rather than pure white with some greenish-yellow veining on the haft and a deep yellow beard. Wild species, coming from Italy and Southern Europe. Flowers very pleasantly fragrant!

Sales price: 150 Kč


Standards peach pink standards, wide ruffled lavender violet falls with a thin rosy pink band. Coral orange beards. Healthy growth, fine colour combination. Excellent sort…

Sales price: 110 Kč

FOOTLOOSE (Schreiner 1993)

Standards violet-pink stitched on almost in´visible white ground, falls white ground stitched purple, more intensively on the edge. Beards ocher yellow. Flowers ruffled, very early bloom.

Sales price: 110 Kč

FOR LOVERS ONLY (Black 2008)

Standards and falls heavily ruffled and lightly laced. Standards medium pink, falls wide, palest pink with medium pink diamond dusted bases and wide blended pink margins. Beards white tipped coral pink, white at end. Slight fragrance. Healthy, vigorous plants produce show stalks with 9-10 buds.

Sales price: 140 Kč

FUTURISTE (Cayeux 2002)

Standards white, ruffled, falls white with large bright blue violet border. Beards white, tipped yellow. Very beautiful French sort.

Sales price: 140 Kč


Standards cream yellow with darker veins, falls wine-magenta, center of petals lavender blue, edges cream brown, wavy. Beards yellow with orange tipped hairs. Slight sweet fragrance.

Sales price: 160 Kč

GARDEN TREASURE (Hollingsworth 1984)

Flowers semi-double to nearly full double, yellow petals, reddish in the centre. Flowers well above the foliage, plants form broad low bush. Flowers fragrant, strong stems, height 70 cm. 100% winter-hardy. Recommended...

Sales price: 550 Kč

GARDENIA (Lins 1955)

Full double white flowers with the occasional yellow stamen visible in the center of the large blooms. 'Gardenia' is named after the genus to which the flower form is very comparable to. Many sidebuds, providing an optional prolonged blooming season. Flowers delightfully fragrant, suitable to cutting. Dark green and fairly coarse leaflets on thick stems, fine plant habit.

Sales price: 420 Kč

GAY PAREE (Auten 1933)

Japanese form flowers to 15 cm wide, rose or cherry outer petals surrounds a large centre of cream petaloids, edged by pink. Very fragrant and long lasting flowers. Well known, outstanding variety.

Sales price: 380 Kč


Standards salmon pink, falls salmon pink, overlaid rose, prominent deeper rose textured veining and narrow salmon pink edge. Beards tangerine orange. Ruffed with lots of lace. Late blooming season. Excellent, very popular, but rare sort.

Sales price: 250 Kč

germanica Spectabilis

Standards blue to blue-violet, falls blue-violet, bent down, around the white bears with a fine pattern. Height 40-50 cm. Blooms in May. Nice iris, especially suitable for sunny rock gardens. Flowering time April / May. Fine iris for sunny rock gardens.

Sales price: 120 Kč

GIRL'S FAVOURITE (Blyth 1995/96)

Medium bright pink self, beards bright coral. Ruffled flowers, vital and healthy growth. Pronounced sweet fragrance.

Sales price: 130 Kč

GLOWING SMILE (Hager 2001)

Standards white, ruffled, falls yellow with white rim and gold yellow venation. Beards yellow. Fine combination of two colors.

Sales price: 130 Kč

GNU (Kasperek 1994)

Standards light lavender ground washed medium lavender and off-white with medium violet splashes. Falls same, heavier medium violet purple on shoulders. Beards burnt orange tipped violet. Flowers ruffled and flared, slightly fragrant.

Sales price: 110 Kč

GNU AGAIN (Kasperek 1994)

Standards medium violet with random off-white splashes, falls dark violet with random white breaks and splashes. Beards burnt orange tipped medium violet. Flowers ruffled. Slight pleasant fragrance.

Sales price: 110 Kč

GOING GREEN (Mego 2008)

Standards white, slight olive-yellow at midrib, falls olive green to light yellow-brown, faint white edge, ruffled. Beards mustard yellow. Great sort in high demand.

Sales price: 160 Kč

GOLDEN FASAN (Muska 2000)

Standards lemon cream with golden overlay, ruffled and laced, falls cream white with golden edge, strongly laced. Very long beards yellow and feathery fringed. Unique Space Age (SA Type) sort coming from Slovak breeder L. Muška.

Sales price: 230 Kč

GOLDKIST (Black 1993)

Standards white, falls white overlaid with a yellow gold band at the base and with purple veining in the throat, around the bright yellow beards. Not too big flowers, but a most unusual color combination.

Sales price: 110 Kč


Standards pure white, falls bright fuchsia magenta to rosy plum with white edge, ruffled. Beards bright tangerine. Slight fragrance.

Sales price: 130 Kč

GRAND CANARI (Cayeux 2006)

Standards pure yellow, falls yellow, white center line. Standards and falls very ruffled. Beards orange with elongated white horn. Height 100 cm, late bloom. Belongs to the Space Age group of irises.

Sales price: 140 Kč

GRECIAN SEA (Mego 2009)

Standards light blue with faint yellow gold rim, falls lavender blue, precisely ruffled. Beards red-orange. Excellent sort. Slight sweet fragrance.

Sales price: 160 Kč


Mgr. Miroslav Řičánek
Veletržní 674/5
603 00 Brno
Phone: +420 737 183 790


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