RED CHARM - XL plant No. 8 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 8. Sensational deep red double flowers. Flowers large (20 cm), perfectly formed. Mild sweet fragrance. The stems are strong and hold the large blooms erect. Excellent foliage. One of the best red coloured peonies, excellent for cutting.
RED CHARM - XL plant No. 9 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 9. Sensational deep red double flowers. Flowers large (20 cm), perfectly formed. Mild sweet fragrance. The stems are strong and hold the large blooms erect. Excellent foliage. One of the best red coloured peonies, excellent for cutting.
CARNATION BOUQUET - XL plant No. 6 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 6. Pretty double vivid rose, very bright flowers. Petals of uniform size give a carnation-like appearance. Wonderful spicy fragrance. One flower per stem, excellent for cutting. Very popular, but rare, seldom offered peony.
CARNATION BOUQUET - XL plant No. 8 (2023)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 8. Pretty double vivid rose, very bright flowers. Petals of uniform size give a carnation-like appearance. Wonderful spicy fragrance. One flower per stem, excellent for cutting. Very popular, but rare, seldom offered peony.
CARNATION BOUQUET - XL plant No. 7 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 7. Pretty double vivid rose, very bright flowers. Petals of uniform size give a carnation-like appearance. Wonderful spicy fragrance. One flower per stem, excellent for cutting. Very popular, but rare, seldom offered peony.
CARNATION BOUQUET - XL plant No. 9 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 9. Pretty double vivid rose, very bright flowers. Petals of uniform size give a carnation-like appearance. Wonderful spicy fragrance. One flower per stem, excellent for cutting. Very popular, but rare, seldom offered peony.
ALL AFLUTTER (Byers 1994)
Bright white flowers, beards red orange with long, very pale blue flounce turning up at end. SA type. Flowers of medium size, ruffled. Slight sweet fragrance. Unique Space Age type.
AMPLIFIED (Ghio 2000)
Deep orange yellow standards, slightly darker on the edges. Wide orange yellow falls with red beards. One of the best variety in this colour category. Exceptional form with strong ruffles. Late flowering season.
ANYTHING GOES (Hager 1998)
Raspberry pink standards, deeper rose falls distinctly veined, bright tangerine beards. Big flowers, nicely ruffled. Perfect branching of the stem, good bud count. Prolific and vigorous, healthy growth.
White edged leaves year round. Light blue self, standards and falls slightly ruffled. Beards yellow in throat, light blue at tips. Midseason bloom. Strong and very pleasant fragrance.
Yellow edged leaves year round. Light blue self, standards and falls slightly ruffled. Beards yellow in throat, light blue at tips. Midseason bloom. Strong and very pleasant fragrance.
ASK A LADY (Blyth 2005/06)
Standards white with fine pink venation, falls broad, curved, gold and deep pink at base, darker venation, beards white, tipped orange. Fine spicy fragrance.
BEWILDERBEAST (Kasperek 1995)
Standards and falls with outrageous combination of purple, gold and white, yellow-brown beards. Well-branched stem, reliable grower.
BY JEEVES (Blyth 2008)
Standards lavender lilac, falls rich violet with lilac edge, heavily veined white pattern around beards, very ruffled. Beards bright tangerine. Pleasant sweet fragrance.
CAFE D'AMOUR (Blyth 2010)
Standards antique lemon infused with light violet, falls bright blue-violet to rosy-violet, deepening to blue violet around the gold beards. Exceptionally ruffled flowers, excellent sort.
CANDY CANE CUTIE (Maryott 2000)
Standards white, with light apricot shadow, falls white, even violett or maroon veining near full length, diffusing at end with white band. Beards bright tangerine. Lovely sort.
CANDY COLOURS (Blyth 2009/10)
Standards coral orange, lightly ruffled, falls coral orange-sienna, large violet flash beside and below beard, ruffled and flared. Beards orange. Fine pleasant fragrance.
Standards warm white blushed metallic pink over center blending paler toward edge to darker tan-gold margins, fine darker pink veins, falls pale cream-white center, haft heavily veined tan brown to wide gold peach haft margin extending way down, medium metallic peach sheen over center veined and washed dark violet, ruffled. Beards bright orange. Pronounced sweet fragrance.
CELEBRATION SONG (Schreiner 1993)
Apricot-pink standards nicely complement the ruffled blue-lavender or light violet falls. Beards orange. Highly valued sort, delicate flowers. Excellent growth and rich flowering. Fine fragrance.
CHAMPAGNE WALTZ (Schreiner 1994)
Standards apricot yellow, falls ruffled, creamy white with apricot yellow edge. Beards tangerine orange. Fine sort, good also in combination with high perennials.
Standards peach pink, purple blended up midrib, falls buff, lavender and blue blend, violet veins, ruffled. Beards tangerine. Fine combination of colors, very suitable for a vase.
Standards light pinkish chamois, falls bright pinkish purple, large cream to salmon center. Beards bright, orange red. Excellent sort with perfectly branched stem. Fine fragrance.
CONJURATION (Byers 1989)
Standards white, lightly infused pale violet blue, falls white, suffusing to deep bright amethyst violet edge. White, horns-like beards tipped tangerine (SA Type). Flowers ruffled. Late flowering, very long and slim inflorescence. One of the most popular irises.
DARCY'S CHOICE (Schreiner 2007)
Standards light yellow, falls claret magenta with white blaze around beards. Beards yellow in throat, cream in middle, white at end. Flowers nicely ruffled.