LAST HERO (Krupka 2006)
Yellow self, falls lighter in center, lightly ruffled. Beards yellow orange. Foliage purple-based. Nice, healthy growing yellow sort from the Czech breeder.
INVESTOR (Johnson T. 2004)
Standards purple, falls velvety dark purple, slightly paler blended edge. Beards gold in throat, light lavender at end. Large, ruffled flowers. Pronounced spicy fragrance.
IMBUE (Blyth 1996/97)
Standards gold to mustard gold, few plicata marks, falls white with gold edge, softer toward haft, ruffled. Beards old gold base and in throat, lavender at end. Pronounced fragrance.
HELMSMAN (Smith M. 2002)
Standards orange, strong peach midrib, falls ruffled, cream, faint peach infusion on outer half, orange plicata band, vertical orange veins in center. Beards orange. Slight sweet fragrance.
GEMSTAR (Smith M. 1994)
Standards medium dark violet blue, falls darker violet blue with pale veining in center, and lighter edge, white sign below beards, ruffled. Beards yellow in throat, white at end. Slight fragrance.
FRISK ME (Blyth 2001/02)
Standards soft apricot pink, falls burgundy red spot and apricot pink edge, ruffled and flared. Beards tangerine orange in throat, lavender blue at tip. Pronounced sweet fragrance.
FIRESTORM (Smith M. 1994)
Standards nearly solid burgundy, fading to buff, burgundy midrib. Falls golden yellow ground, heavily lined and washed port wine, becoming solid port wine at rim, ruffled. Beards old gold. Slight fragrance. Nice sort.
FIRE CORAL (Aitken 2007)
Standards hot orange, falls orange, burgundy red wash, lighter at edges, orange hafts. Beards intense orange-red. Slight fragrance.
FAVORITE ANGEL (Jones B. 1990)
Pure white standards and falls, lightly ruffled. Beards silver white. Slight sweet fragrance.
ICE AND INDIGO (Willot 1991)
Standards pale blue, falls pale blue with large deep blue violet spot. Beards white. Slight fragrance.
LYDIA JANE (Walker 1964)
Standards white, falls golden yellow with ruffled white edge. A beautiful steppe iris, growing to a height of 110 to 130 cm. Bright yellow-white flowers are suitable for cutting. Planting in sunny places solitary or as part of perennial beds.
Flowers deep yellow to golden yellow. Wild plant coming from Turkey. Only other two wild species of the Spuria group of irises have yellow flowers - I. spuria subsp. halophila and I. crocea. Plant height 80-100 cm, frost resistant in Czech Republic.
MISSOURI RIVERS (Niswonger 1989)
Standards and style arms blue, falls extra wide, ruffled, blue with smooth yellow signal. A really blue iris with wide yellow and blue falls in the attractive combination. Very beautiful, always in high demand. Height of plants 100 cm.
Standards and style arms blue-violet with fine dark violet venation, falls blue-violet with prominent golden yellow signal and violet venation. Height of plants 110 cm. Selected by Milan Blažek (Průhonice, ČR).
TEMNÁ NOC (Blažek)
Standards and style arms violet, falls light blue to darker violet blue on edges, signal orange yellow to ochre, prominent violet venation. Fine combination of colors. Height of plants 105 cm. Selected by Milan Blažek (Průhonice, ČR).
SMETANA (Blažek 2013)
Standards and style arms cream-white, falls same, signal deep yellow. Fine combination of cream-white and yellow colors. Height of plants 105 cm. Selected by Milan Blažek (Průhonice, ČR) in 2010.
DOBRODRUH (Blažek 2013)
Flowers combine violet and orange-yellow colors: standards deep violet; style arms light violet with deeper lobes; falls dark orange-yellow with violet veins. Plant height 110 cm. Selected by Milan Blažek (Průhonice, ČR) in 1998.
CITRONKA (Blažek 2013)
Flowers lemon yellow. Height of plants 115 cm. Healthy growth, profuse flowering. Selected by Milan Blažek (Průhonice, ČR) in 1992.
ZLATÁ ZÁŘE (Blažek 2013)
Flowers deep yellow Height of plants135 cm. Fine and healthy growth, profuse flowering. Selected by Milan Blažek (Průhonice, ČR) in 1993.
LETNÍ LOUKA (Blažek 2013)
Flowers with beautiful combination of violet-blue and yellow: standards slight violet-blue veins on lighter ground, style arms violet shades, falls deep yellow, signal white, violet rim. Height of plants 115 cm. Selected by Milan Blažek (Průhonice, ČR) in 2004.
Iris orientalis 'FRIGIA' (Rodionenko 1990)
Flowers white with golden yellow eye, very decorative. Amazing steppe iris, growing 120 to 150 cm tall, characterized by downward-curved, hanging leaves, which create a graceful and elegant impression. Planting solitary or as part of perennial beds. Flowers are suitable for cutting.