Results 49 - 72 of 98
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RINGER (Keppel 1997)

Standards dark plum brown, faint yellow center shading, falls cadmium lemon with dark plum brown border and dots, ruffled. Beards brass yellow. Fine fragrance.

Sales price: 80 Kč

OPEN YOUR EYES (Black 2010)

Standards white, falls white with large irregularly blended inky dark-blue spot, ruffled. Beards white. Pronounced sweet fragrance. Height 35 cm.

Sales price: 95 Kč

FAVORITE ANGEL (Jones B. 1990)

Pure white standards and falls, lightly ruffled. Beards silver white. Slight sweet fragrance.

Sales price: 80 Kč

STARBABY (Smith 1993)

Standards white ground, heavily dotted and washed dark violet, dark violet edge. Falls white, solid dark violet edge widening to chestnut-toned shoulders, random dark stitching inside rim, ruffled. Beards white, tipped dark blue violet. Slight sweet fragrance.

Sales price: 80 Kč

PUMPIN‘ IRON (Black 1990)

Standards dark purple violet, falls dark black cherry spot shading to red purple margin. Beards purple. Pronounced spicy fragrance.

Sales price: 80 Kč

TARHEEL ELF (Niswonger 1985)

Standards and falls very dark red purple, slightly ruffled. Beard medium blue. Slight sweet fragrance.

Sales price: 80 Kč


Standards blue violet, falls purple with white rays around beards, ruffled. Beards blue. Slight fragrance. Nice sort from the Czech breeder.

Sales price: 85 Kč

BUGSY (Hager 1993)

Standards yellow, falls near black-maroon, edged yellow. Beards orange-yellow.

Sales price: 85 Kč


Standards white with fine green-gold veins up rib networking ouward, falls white, very fine network of greenish texture veins, ruffled. Beards dark indigo. Slight sweet fragrance.

Sales price: 80 Kč

ZERO (Keppel 1998)

Standards anf falls pure white, ruffled. Beards white, faintly tipped lemon deep in throat. Pronounced sweet fragrance.

Sales price: 80 Kč


AVAILABLE FROM OCTOBER 2020. Flowers double, blush white, with a scarlet suffusion deepening to center, opened flowers are of rose shape, very wide and narrow petals intermingled. Very fragrant! Strong stems, very vigorous and floriferous.

Sales price: 540 Kč

GAY PAREE (Auten 1933)

AVAILABLE FROM OCTOBER 2020. Japanese form flowers to 15 cm wide, rose or cherry outer petals surrounds a large centre of cream petaloids, edged by pink. Very fragrant and long lasting flowers. Well known, outstanding variety.

Sales price: 420 Kč

RED CHARM (Glascock 1944)

AVAILABLE FROM OCTOBER 2020. Sensational deep red double flowers. Flowers large (20 cm), perfectly formed. Mild sweet fragrance. The stems are strong and hold the large blooms erect. Excellent foliage. One of the best red coloured peonies, excellent for cutting.

Sales price: 480 Kč

SCARLET O'HARA (Falk-Glasscock 1956)

AVAILABLE FROM OCTOBER 2020. Large, fiery red single flowers and contrasting golden stamens on strong stems come from breeding P. lactiflora x P. officinalis. Superb, rich green foliage on a very vigorous, easy to grow plant. If you have a full sun garden, you need this peony for sure…

Sales price: 520 Kč

AVALANCHE (Crousse 1886)

Flowers large, globular, double, blush-white of waxy texture with a faint pink center and very narrow crimson edges to a few petals. Compact, generally incurved flower with the tips of the outer petals recurved from its ball-like center. Fragrance strong but not sweet.

Sales price: 500 Kč


Flowers large, double, blush white flowers, medium high crowned well arranged petals, nice guard petals, unfolds well. Good for cut-flower production, lovely attractive blush color in bouquets. Height 70 cm.

Sales price: 620 Kč

GARDEN TREASURE (Hollingsworth 1984)

Flowers semi-double to nearly full double, yellow petals, reddish in the centre. Flowers well above the foliage, plants form broad low bush. Flowers fragrant, strong stems, height 70 cm. 100% winter-hardy. Recommended...

Sales price: 590 Kč

PILLOW TALK (Klehm C.G. 1973)

Flowers double, large, no stamens. Cameo pink colour with hint of rose at base, pleasantly fragrant. Excellent as a cut flower. Strong stems and dark green leaves, height 80 cm. Charming!

Sales price: 510 Kč

AMALIA OLSON (Olson 1959)

Flowers large, well filled, globular, double, purest white imaginable. Flowers deliciously scented. Stems strong, foliage large, dark green. Amalia Olson is extremely suitable for planting cut flowers as well as for planting in gardens.

Sales price: 510 Kč

DAYTON (Krekler 1962)

Full double, large, deep fuchsia pink and silvery flowers. A smoothly tailored form, very fragrant. Strong stems, excellent plant habit, strong grower. Recommended as excellent landscape peony...

Sales price: 490 Kč

SOFT SALMON SAUCER (Cousin/Klehm 1981)

Soft salmon pink single flowers are saucer-shaped. Opening buds hold a true perfect cup-shape for a long time. Pink color shading to a deeper tone at the base of the petals, which surround the golden stamen centre. Perfectly formed, the flowers display a grand elegance and finesse. Flowers mildly fragrant. A lovely peony indeed...

Sales price: 430 Kč


Finely cut leaves, single bright red petals and golden yellow center. Height 30-40 cm. Need very sunny position and well drained soil, excellent for rock gardens. Natural wild species, very rare. Vegetatively propagated plants are guaranteed, root size 3/5 eye.

Sales price: 890 Kč

SCARLET HEAVEN (Anderson 1999)

Large, single, bright red flower with golden stamens. Rigid stems carry magnificient flowers well above the lovely dark green leaves. Flowers fragrant. Height 90 cm. Unique and most popular sort, always in high demand.

Sales price: 590 Kč


Very large, double, unusual soft shell salmon pink, round ball-shaped flowers. Very floriferous, fragrant. Strong stems with excellent foliage, height 90 cm. Widely used as a cut flower. Beautiful...

Sales price: 450 Kč


Mgr. Miroslav Řičánek
Veletržní 674/5
603 00 Brno
Phone: +420 737 183 790


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We guarantee all of our plants to be true to name. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, notify us at once upon receipt of your plants and we will replace plants under complain. However, we reserve the right to refuse replacements if plants have not been properly cared for once they are delivered.