MUSIC (Keppel 1999)
Standards peach orange, falls light orange-yellow ground with purple dots and veins on the edge, ruffled. Beards coral red. Slight fragrance.
NO CONTEST (Maryott 1996)
Standards light yellow, falls purple violet with light yellow rim. Beards yellow in throat, white at end. Slight fragrance.
OLIVER (Hooker Nichols 1971)
Creamy white self, on falls wide brown spot around beards. Beards yellow orange and white. Slight fragrance.
ONE MAN'S TREASURE - middle hosta
Shiny green foliage is accompanied by vivid red stems, making this a very attractive combination. It blooms purple during the summer. Leaves 16x13cm, plant height 40 cm, width 50 cm. A very popular hosta.
OPEN YOUR EYES (Black 2010)
Standards white, falls white with large irregularly blended inky dark-blue spot, ruffled. Beards white. Pronounced sweet fragrance. Height 35 cm.
ORANGE CAPER (Warburton 1964)
Standards and falls vivid yellow. Beard bright orange. Height 30 cm. Slight fragrance.
ORANGE MARMALADE - large hosta
Leaves with a white-yellow-orange center and dark green edges. Later in the season the center turns white. Individual leaves often have different shades of color - depending on their age - from green-orange to yellow-orange to white, which creates a beautiful color effect. Lavender flowers, plant height 50 cm, width 80 cm.
PHOTON (Smith 2005)
Standards pure yellow, greener at midrib, falls yellow, bright yellow distal edge, ruffled. Beards coral orange. Slight fragrance.
PIXIE DELIGHT (Fillmore 1993)
Standards violet with stitching along edge, lighter toward midrib, falls white ground stitched violet along edge, violet haft markings. Beards white. Pronounced sweet fragrance.
PORTLAND PINK (Black 2015)
Standards mid pink, falls mid peach-pink, darker haft and line from beard ½ way down petal, green-tan textured veins. Beards dark tangerine-pink; slight spicy fragrance. Height 30 cm.
PULSATOR (Johnson 2011)
Very large flowers. Standards blue purple, falls purple black. Beards yellow in throat, white in middle, blue at end. Height 30 cm. Sweet fragrance of the flowers.
PUMPIN‘ IRON (Black 1990)
Standards dark purple violet, falls dark black cherry spot shading to red purple margin. Beards purple. Pronounced spicy fragrance.
QUEEN‘S PRIZE (Shoop 1993)
Standards and falls white, lightly ruffled, flared. Beards tangerine orange. Fine fragrance.
RAIN DANCE (Jones B. 1979)
Standards and falls sky blue, lightly waved. Beards coral orange in throat, light blue at the tip. Slight fragrance.
RINGER (Keppel 1997)
Standards dark plum brown, faint yellow center shading, falls cadmium lemon with dark plum brown border and dots, ruffled. Beards brass yellow. Fine fragrance.
RIPPLE EFFECT - medium hosta
Narrow, yellow-green, intensively curled leaves with narrow dark green margin. Flowers lavender. Plant height 20 cm, width 25 cm. An excellent cultivar with brilliant colour and an unusual, rippled form. Suitable for containers and perennial plantings.
RISKY BUSINESS - medium hosta
Deep green, oblong-lanceolate leaves with a contrasting white central stripe. Flowers lavender. Plant height 40 cm, width 50 cm. An excellent cultivar with a symmetrical growth, a very effective contrast of the white center on deep green leaves and a nice inflorescence. Suitable for containers and perennial plantings.
SASS WITH CLASS (Black 1989)
Standards light chrome yellow, falls red brown stitched and coloured, yellow ray pattern around yellow beard, yellow edge. Slight sweet fragrance.
STAINED GLASS - fragrant hosta
Large heart-shaped leaves bright yellow in the center, dark green on the edges, irregular transitions between the two colors are light green. It blooms in late summer with very fragrant, pale lavender-purple flowers. Plant height 50 cm. A beautiful variety, very fragrant flowers, suitable for semi-shaded habitats, tolerates sunlight well.
STAR OF INDIA (Johnson 2011)
Standards clear medium blue covered with fine network of darker blue texture veins, falls same, short blue-white rays flanking beard. Beards tangerine, white at end. Slight fragrance.
STARBABY (Smith 1993)
Standards white ground, heavily dotted and washed dark violet, dark violet edge. Falls white, solid dark violet edge widening to chestnut-toned shoulders, random dark stitching inside rim, ruffled. Beards white, tipped dark blue violet. Slight sweet fragrance.
STILETTO - small hosta
Leaves very narrow, fresh green with a thin cream to white wave edges. Plants 15-20 cm high and 25 cm wide, after a few years form dense clusters of leaves. Suitable for containers, shady rock gardens and in the foreground of perennial beds.
TARHEEL ELF (Niswonger 1985)
Standards and falls very dark red purple, slightly ruffled. Beard medium blue. Slight sweet fragrance.
TATTLER (Keppel 1996)
Standards old gold yellow, falls golden yellow with small elongated blue spot at end of beard, lightly ruffled. Beards blue. Slight sweet fragrance.