ABSOLUTE JOY (Aitken 2006)
Bright pink self, fuchsia purple spot on falls. Beards coral pink. Fine fragrance.
ALLAN P. MCCONNELL - small hosta
Leaves dark green with a pure white narrow edge. Plant height 20 cm, width 30 cm, lavender flowers. Suitable for containers, shady rock gardens and in the foreground of perennial beds. I am sending a clump of several plants.
AWAKE (Blyth 2002/03)
Powder blue, falls with purple violet veining forming signal around bright lavender blue beard. Slight fragrance.
BABY BUNTING - small hosta
The cute little leaves are blue-green, almost perfectly round and have some nice corrugation. Baby Bunting forms a dense mound of cupped foliage. Height only 15 cm, width 25 cm, flowers bright purple. Suitable for containers, troughs and shady rock gardens. Fine, little known miniature hosta.
Leaves narrow, blue. Plant height 20 cm, width 30 cm, lavender flowers. Suitable for containers, shady rock gardens and in the foreground of perennial beds.
BIG BLUE EYES (Black 2006)
Standards icy white, falls white groung with large medium blue spot, darker blue veins over spot, ruffled. Beards pale lavender. Slight fragrance.
BLUE MOUSE EARS - small hosta
Small, round blue-green leaves resembling 'mouse ears' are very firm, leathery with a suede surface. Plant height only 15 cm, width 20 cm, lavender flowers. Suitable for containers, troughs and shady rock gardens. Nice, interesting miniature hosta.
Standards white with fine green-gold veins up rib networking ouward, falls white, very fine network of greenish texture veins, ruffled. Beards dark indigo. Slight sweet fragrance.
BOURGEOIS (Black 2003)
Standards claret purple, falls lighter claret purple, small plum spot around beard and small blue flash at end of beard, dark navy veins. Beards violet and brown. Pronounced spicy fragrance.
BUGSY (Hager 1993)
Standards yellow, falls near black-maroon, edged yellow. Beards orange-yellow.
CAPTIVE SUN (Jones 1994)
Standards white with fine gold venation, falls canary yellow, precise white edge, lightly ruffled. Beards light icy blue. Fine fragrance.
CARROT CUPCAKE (Niswonger 2005)
Standards and falls orange, ruffled. Beards bright reddish orange. Fine fragrance.
CATHEDRAL WINDOWS - fragrant hosta
Large leaves with a wide dark green margin and yellow center. Large, nearly white flowers are fragrant! Bloom in late summer. Height of plant 50 cm. Excellent tetraploid sort with fragrant flowers, sun tolerant.
CAT‘S EYE (Black 2002)
Standards and style arms mauve rose, falls dark red texture-veined black, wide mauve rose band. Beards old gold, violet at base. Slight spicy fragrance. Unique, recommended sort.
Standards light pink, light pink falls, mid red violet veins over haft, remainder washed mid red violet, light pink stripe from beard to edge, channelled down center. Beards coral orange. Fine fragrance. Height up to 35 cm.
CHOIR (Johnson 2015)
Pink purple plicata on white background. Beards orange red. Fine fragrance. Height up to 30 cm.
CIRCUS DRAGON (Jones B. 2002)
Canary yellow self. Beards orange. Slight fragrance.
CUB CADET (Johnson T. 2006)
Standards bright violet, falls bright violet, slight white area around beard, short white dart at end of beard. Beards tangerine, white at end. Pronounced sweet fragrance.
DANCING AROUND (Johnson 2017)
Standards white, falls indigo blue with narrow, prominent white edge. Beards yellow, white tips. Pronounced sweet fragrance. Height 30 cm.
DEDICATED (Black 2011)
Standards pale yellow, fine light green-gold lines up midrib and outward toward edges, falls white, large medium green-gold blended spot veined with darker olive texture veins, palest yellow rays beside beards, palest yellow narrow band. Beards orange in throat, white at end. Slight sweet fragrance.
DESERT ORANGE (Jones B. 1993)
Standards and falls coral orange. Beards tangerine red. Fine fragrance.
DIANA REMEMBERED - fragrant hosta
Shiny, blue-green leaves with a very wide, creamy yellow border. Vigorous Hosta plantaginea hybrid. Flowers white, very fragrant in late summer. Plant height 50 cm. A beautiful variety named after the late Diana, Princess of Wales, suitable for semi-shaded habitats, tolerates sunlight well.
EL TORITO (Jones B. 1997)
Standards and falls deep orange. Beards deep red. Slight fragrance.
EYE OF THE TIGER (Black 2008)
Standards ruffled, medium buff-gold, lighter in center. Falls ruffled, medium buff-gold, large garnet spot, medium buff-gold haft veins beside beard. Beards dark orange, tipped white. Pronounced strawberry fragrance.