CARNATION BOUQUET - XL plant No. 7 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 7. Pretty double vivid rose, very bright flowers. Petals of uniform size give a carnation-like appearance. Wonderful spicy fragrance. One flower per stem, excellent for cutting. Very popular, but rare, seldom offered peony.
CARNATION BOUQUET - XL plant No. 8 (2023)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 8. Pretty double vivid rose, very bright flowers. Petals of uniform size give a carnation-like appearance. Wonderful spicy fragrance. One flower per stem, excellent for cutting. Very popular, but rare, seldom offered peony.
CARNATION BOUQUET - XL plant No. 9 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 9. Pretty double vivid rose, very bright flowers. Petals of uniform size give a carnation-like appearance. Wonderful spicy fragrance. One flower per stem, excellent for cutting. Very popular, but rare, seldom offered peony.
CARROT CUPCAKE (Niswonger 2005)
Standards and falls orange, ruffled. Beards bright reddish orange. Fine fragrance.
CAT‘S EYE (Black 2002)
Standards and style arms mauve rose, falls dark red texture-veined black, wide mauve rose band. Beards old gold, violet at base. Slight spicy fragrance. Unique, recommended sort.
Standards light pink, light pink falls, mid red violet veins over haft, remainder washed mid red violet, light pink stripe from beard to edge, channelled down center. Beards coral orange. Fine fragrance. Height up to 35 cm.
CHOIR (Johnson 2015)
Pink purple plicata on white background. Beards orange red. Fine fragrance. Height up to 30 cm.
CORA STUBBS - XL plant No. 1 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 1. Flower Japanese form, sassy raspberry pink with large vanilla ice cream scoop center. Flowers pleasantly fragrant. Vigorous plant habit and lush foliage, one of the best!
CORA STUBBS - XL plant No. 2 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 2. Flower Japanese form, sassy raspberry pink with large vanilla ice cream scoop center. Flowers pleasantly fragrant. Vigorous plant habit and lush foliage, one of the best!
CORA STUBBS - XL plant No. 3 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 3. Flower Japanese form, sassy raspberry pink with large vanilla ice cream scoop center. Flowers pleasantly fragrant. Vigorous plant habit and lush foliage, one of the best!
CORAL CHARM - XL plant No. 3 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 3. Orange-coral buds open to large semi-double, coral-peach, cup-shaped flowers. Exotic deep coral fades to a softer color on opening. Flowers fragrant. Vigorous grower, thick stems. Sort received many awards, because of unique flower color. Excellent as a cut-flower.
CORAL CHARM - XL plant No. 4 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 4. Orange-coral buds open to large semi-double, coral-peach, cup-shaped flowers. Exotic deep coral fades to a softer color on opening. Flowers fragrant. Vigorous grower, thick stems. Sort received many awards, because of unique flower color. Excellent as a cut-flower.
CORAL CHARM - XL plant No. 5 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 5. Orange-coral buds open to large semi-double, coral-peach, cup-shaped flowers. Exotic deep coral fades to a softer color on opening. Flowers fragrant. Vigorous grower, thick stems. Sort received many awards, because of unique flower color. Excellent as a cut-flower.
CORAL CHARM - XL plant No. 6 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 6. Orange-coral buds open to large semi-double, coral-peach, cup-shaped flowers. Exotic deep coral fades to a softer color on opening. Flowers fragrant. Vigorous grower, thick stems. Sort received many awards, because of unique flower color. Excellent as a cut-flower.
CORAL CHARM - XL plant No. 7 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 7. Orange-coral buds open to large semi-double, coral-peach, cup-shaped flowers. Exotic deep coral fades to a softer color on opening. Flowers fragrant. Vigorous grower, thick stems. Sort received many awards, because of unique flower color. Excellent as a cut-flower.
CORAL SUNSET - XL plant No. 1 (2024)
In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 1. Flowers semi-double, deep orange-coral color, deepest of all Corall sorts and nicest fragrance in this group. Many thick, strong stems, very vigorous grower. Excellent as a cut-flower.
CUB CADET (Johnson T. 2006)
Standards bright violet, falls bright violet, slight white area around beard, short white dart at end of beard. Beards tangerine, white at end. Pronounced sweet fragrance.
DANCING AROUND (Johnson 2017)
Standards white, falls indigo blue with narrow, prominent white edge. Beards yellow, white tips. Pronounced sweet fragrance. Height 30 cm.
DEDICATED (Black 2011)
Standards pale yellow, fine light green-gold lines up midrib and outward toward edges, falls white, large medium green-gold blended spot veined with darker olive texture veins, palest yellow rays beside beards, palest yellow narrow band. Beards orange in throat, white at end. Slight sweet fragrance.
DESERT ORANGE (Jones B. 1993)
Standards and falls coral orange. Beards tangerine red. Fine fragrance.
EL TORITO (Jones B. 1997)
Standards and falls deep orange. Beards deep red. Slight fragrance.
EYE OF THE TIGER (Black 2008)
Standards ruffled, medium buff-gold, lighter in center. Falls ruffled, medium buff-gold, large garnet spot, medium buff-gold haft veins beside beard. Beards dark orange, tipped white. Pronounced strawberry fragrance.
EYEBRIGHT (Taylor 1979)
Bright golden yellow with brown lines on falls. Beards yellow-orange. Slight fragrance.