Results 25 - 48 of 65
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FLAME (Glasscock 1939)

Medium to large single flowers are fiery scarlet red with contrasting golden stamens. Strong but fairly short stems come from breeding P. lactiflora x P. peregrina. Plant height 70 cm, recommended for group plantings in sunny gardens. Works well as a cut flower too.

Sales price: 420 Kč


AVAILABLE FROM OCTOBER 2020. Flowers double, blush white, with a scarlet suffusion deepening to center, opened flowers are of rose shape, very wide and narrow petals intermingled. Very fragrant! Strong stems, very vigorous and floriferous.

Sales price: 540 Kč

GAIJIN - small hosta

Shiny narrow green leaves with a thin yellow margin. Height only 5-10 cm, width 15 cm, flowers lavender. Suitable for containers, troughs and shady rock gardens. Cute miniature hosta...

Sales price: 95 Kč

GARDEN TREASURE (Hollingsworth 1984)

Flowers semi-double to nearly full double, yellow petals, reddish in the centre. Flowers well above the foliage, plants form broad low bush. Flowers fragrant, strong stems, height 70 cm. 100% winter-hardy. Recommended...

Sales price: 590 Kč

GAY PAREE (Auten 1933)

AVAILABLE FROM OCTOBER 2020. Japanese form flowers to 15 cm wide, rose or cherry outer petals surrounds a large centre of cream petaloids, edged by pink. Very fragrant and long lasting flowers. Well known, outstanding variety.

Sales price: 420 Kč

GREAT ESCAPE - large hosta

Thick blue green leaves, the margins are cream white. Flowers lavender blue. A lovely hosta, extremely popular. A reliable grower.

Sales price: 150 Kč

HANKY PANKY - medium hosta

Leaves emerge dark green with gold-green borders separated from the centers with a narrow, white thread. Violet flowers. Suitable for containers and perennial plantings.

Sales price: 160 Kč

HENRY BOCKSTOCE (Bockstoce 1955)

Full double, huge dinner plate size, rich cardinal red, excellent flowers. True red flower color comes from it being a Paeonia officinalis x lactifora hybrid. The last flowering peony of this hue in the season. Excellent grower, but slow of increase, sparse bush, heavy and tall stems. Highly prized as a cut-flower. Stunning presentation in the garden.

Sales price: 510 Kč

HYDON SUNSET - small hosta

A dense mound of heart-shaped foliage that is bright golden green in spring becoming green by mid-summer ... It blooms in July with dark lavender flowers. Height 30 cm., creates a dense tuft. Suitable for containers, on the edge of a flower bed, or shady rock gardens. I am sending a clump of several plants.

Sales price: 110 Kč

LEMON LIME - small hosta

Leaves are elongated, golden yellow, wavy. The color of the leaves can be light green to yellow depending on the light conditions. It blooms in July with dark lavender flowers. Height 15-20 cm, width 20-30 cm., creates a dense tuft. Suitable for containers, on the edge of a flower bed, or shady rock gardens. I am sending a clump of several plants.

Sales price: 110 Kč

LITTLE RED ROOSTER - small hosta

Shiny green leaves are slightly wavy and are held on bright red petioles. Lavender flowers are borne on bright red scapes Suitable for containers, on the edge of a flower bed, or shady rock gardens. I am sending a clump of several plants.

Sales price: 120 Kč

LITTLE WONDER - small hosta

Leaves with a green center and a creamy yellow edge form a small dense tuft. Plant height only 10-15 cm, width 20-25 cm, flowers lavender. Suitable for containers, shady rock gardens and in the foreground of perennial beds. One of the nicest little hostas, really a 'little wonder'. I am sending a clump of several plants.

Sales price: 120 Kč

MISS AMERICA (Mann - van Steen 1936)1955)

Flowers large, semi-double, blush to white with golden stamens and excellent fragrance. Very floriferous, early, no staking. Ideal as a cut - flower. Strong stems, height 80 cm.

Sales price: 480 Kč

MOTHER'S CHOICE (Glasscock 1950)

Very large, double, creamy blush pink colour flowers, fragrant and floriferous. Strong stems with excellent foliage, height 80 cm. Perfect as a cut flower. One of the best among lactifloras.

Sales price: 530 Kč

NOSEGAY (Saunders 1950)

Single flowers, shell pink to soft salmon glazed in silver, fat golden yellow stamens surrounding purple stigmas complete a sensational display. Noticeable fragrance. It is a hybrid created from P. mlokosewitschi x P. tenuifolia breeding. Early blooming, very floriferous and vigorous, charming, recommended.

Sales price: 540 Kč

OLD FAITHFUL (Glasscock-Falk 1964)

OLD FAITHFUL (Glasscock-Falk 1964) Flowers large, dark velvet red, double, with heavy substance of the petals. Highly prized, in our opinion, this is the best in its class. Flowers lightly fragrant. Strong stems and healthy, dark green foliage. Excellent as a cut-flower. American Peony Society Gold Medal Winner (1997), Award of Landscape Merit Winner (2009). of the best!

Sales price: 630 Kč

OLD ROSE DANDY (Laning 1993)

Semi-double flowers of old rose color which intensifies (darkens) with age (unusual color), large flare at base of petals, interesting purplish rose blend at opening. Profuse flowering, lovely dark green leaves. Height 80 cm. Unique sort, always in high demand.

Sales price: 640 Kč

ONE MAN'S TREASURE - middle hosta

Shiny green foliage is accompanied by vivid red stems, making this a very attractive combination. It blooms purple during the summer. Leaves 16x13cm, plant height 40 cm, width 50 cm. A very popular hosta.

Sales price: 250 Kč

ORANGE MARMALADE - large hosta

Leaves with a white-yellow-orange center and dark green edges. Later in the season the center turns white. Individual leaves often have different shades of color - depending on their age - from green-orange to yellow-orange to white, which creates a beautiful color effect. Lavender flowers, plant height 50 cm, width 80 cm.

Sales price: 130 Kč


Large, very dark red flowers, semi-double to double, fine waxy substance. Bright yellow stamens in the centre are visible during full bloom. Shiny green foliage on strong erect stems, nice purple autumn coloration of leaves.

Sales price: 520 Kč


Large double flowers, light pink heavily dotted dark pink. Unique sort with perfectly round finely dotted flowers. Healthy growth, nice foliage, simply a jewel among peonies! Till now very rare new sort, beautiful, recommended!

Sales price: 440 Kč

PILLOW TALK (Klehm C.G. 1973)

Flowers double, large, no stamens. Cameo pink colour with hint of rose at base, pleasantly fragrant. Excellent as a cut flower. Strong stems and dark green leaves, height 80 cm. Charming!

Sales price: 510 Kč

RED CHARM (Glascock 1944)

AVAILABLE FROM OCTOBER 2020. Sensational deep red double flowers. Flowers large (20 cm), perfectly formed. Mild sweet fragrance. The stems are strong and hold the large blooms erect. Excellent foliage. One of the best red coloured peonies, excellent for cutting.

Sales price: 480 Kč

RIPPLE EFFECT - medium hosta

Narrow, yellow-green, intensively curled leaves with narrow dark green margin. Flowers lavender. Plant height 20 cm, width 25 cm. An excellent cultivar with brilliant colour and an unusual, rippled form. Suitable for containers and perennial plantings.

Sales price: 180 Kč
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Mgr. Miroslav Řičánek
Veletržní 674/5
603 00 Brno
Phone: +420 737 183 790


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