ATHENA (Saunders 1949)
Flowers single, large, ivory-white to apricot-yellow with prominently present lavender flares at the base of the flower petals, contrasting golden-yellow stamens in the centre. It is a quadruple hybrid created from P. lactiflora x {(P. macrophylla x P. mlokosewitschii) x P. officinalis} breeding. Light fragrance. Early blooming, floriferous and vigorous with strong stems. Only rarely offered. Recommended. Plant height 80 cm.
CLAIRE DE LUNE (White, Wild & Son 1954)
Flowers single, large (13 cm), creamy yellow, crinkled and rounded petals and dark yellow stamens. It is a hybrid of the yellow species P. mlokosewitschii and Mons. Jules Elie. Wonderfully fragrant. Dark green leaflets, reddish stems, low plant habit and high vigour. This very choice variety is one of the earliest flowering peonies, very wanted...
Flowers of a very faintly bluish shade rather than pure white with some greenish-yellow veining on the haft and a deep yellow beard. Wild species, coming from Italy and Southern Europe. Flowers very pleasantly fragrant!
germanica Spectabilis
Standards blue to blue-violet, falls blue-violet, bent down, around the white bears with a fine pattern. Height 40-50 cm. Blooms in May. Nice iris, especially suitable for sunny rock gardens. Flowering time April / May. Fine iris for sunny rock gardens.
NOSEGAY (Saunders 1950)
Single flowers, shell pink to soft salmon glazed in silver, fat golden yellow stamens surrounding purple stigmas complete a sensational display. Noticeable fragrance. It is a hybrid created from P. mlokosewitschi x P. tenuifolia breeding. Early blooming, very floriferous and vigorous, charming, recommended.
Natural species growing on sunny places, fully frost-resistant in Czech Republic and Germany. Standards white, falls white, bented down. Beards white. Height 50-60 cm. Flowering time May. Fine iris for sunny flowerbeds.
White edged leaves year round. Light blue self, standards and falls slightly ruffled. Beards yellow in throat, light blue at tips. Midseason bloom. Strong and very pleasant fragrance.
Yellow edged leaves year round. Light blue self, standards and falls slightly ruffled. Beards yellow in throat, light blue at tips. Midseason bloom. Strong and very pleasant fragrance.
Gold standards with center blended violet to plum, falls with a white area around beards heavily washed violet to dark burgundy with plicata dotting over cream haft Beards medium grey-orange with violet at ends. Pronounced spicy fragrance. Height 60 cm, belongs to Intermediate Bearded group.
Flowers single, deep shining red , cup shaped, stamens yellow. Natural species distributed in south-eastern Europe. Very early flowering (May). Precious species suitable natural gardens and sunny places, especially good in combination with taller perennials.
Flowers deep yellow to golden yellow. Wild plant coming from Turkey. Only other two wild species of the Spuria group of irises have yellow flowers - I. spuria subsp. halophila and I. crocea. Plant height 80-100 cm, frost resistant in Czech Republic.