BARTZELLA (Anderson 1986)
Full double flowers, bright yellow with red flares. Healthy and strong growth, 100% winter-hardy. Lovely lemon fragrance, giant flowers (18 cm)! Recommended for any garden, unique and most popular yellow sort.
CALLIE´S MEMORY (Anderson 1999)
Flowers semi-double, apricot cream with maroon flares and picotee edges. At the opening, the flower has the shape of a rose. Flowers slightly fragrant. Nice foliage, good grower, 100% winter-hardy. Among peonies very unusual flower color, excellent.
CORA LOUISE (Anderson 1986)
Huge semi-double white flowers with deep lavender to purple flares. The contrast between the purple color of the center of this peony and the pure white petals is magnificent – it is reminiscent of the type found on the Chinese Gansu Mudan (P. rockii hybrids). Robust stems hold the flowers well above the foliage. Beautiful, slightly fragrant flowers. Amazing...
FIRST ARRIVAL (Anderson 1986)
Semi-double to double, very large flowers, lavender pink with darker center. Flowers abundant, situated on top of the dense foliage, slightly scented. Beautiful dark green leaves create superb and compact shrub.
Flowers of a very faintly bluish shade rather than pure white with some greenish-yellow veining on the haft and a deep yellow beard. Wild species, coming from Italy and Southern Europe. Flowers very pleasantly fragrant!
GARDEN TREASURE (Hollingsworth 1984)
Flowers semi-double to nearly full double, yellow petals, reddish in the centre. Flowers well above the foliage, plants form broad low bush. Flowers fragrant, strong stems, height 70 cm. 100% winter-hardy. Recommended...
germanica Spectabilis
Standards blue to blue-violet, falls blue-violet, bent down, around the white bears with a fine pattern. Height 40-50 cm. Blooms in May. Nice iris, especially suitable for sunny rock gardens. Flowering time April / May. Fine iris for sunny rock gardens.
OLD ROSE DANDY (Laning 1993)
Semi-double flowers of old rose color which intensifies (darkens) with age (unusual color), large flare at base of petals, interesting purplish rose blend at opening. Profuse flowering, lovely dark green leaves. Height 80 cm. Unique sort, always in high demand.
Natural species growing on sunny places, fully frost-resistant in Czech Republic and Germany. Standards white, falls white, bented down. Beards white. Height 50-60 cm. Flowering time May. Fine iris for sunny flowerbeds.
White edged leaves year round. Light blue self, standards and falls slightly ruffled. Beards yellow in throat, light blue at tips. Midseason bloom. Strong and very pleasant fragrance.
Yellow edged leaves year round. Light blue self, standards and falls slightly ruffled. Beards yellow in throat, light blue at tips. Midseason bloom. Strong and very pleasant fragrance.
Gold standards with center blended violet to plum, falls with a white area around beards heavily washed violet to dark burgundy with plicata dotting over cream haft Beards medium grey-orange with violet at ends. Pronounced spicy fragrance. Height 60 cm, belongs to Intermediate Bearded group.
PASTEL SPLENDOR (Anderson/Seidl 1996) R.F. 1986)
Huge semi-double white flowers with deep lavender to purple flares. The contrast between the purple color of the center of this peony and the pure white petals is magnificent – it is reminiscent of the type found on the Chinese Gansu Mudan (P. rockii hybrids). Robust stems hold the flowers well above the foliage. Beautiful, slightly fragrant flowers. Amazing...
SCARLET HEAVEN (Anderson 1999)
Large, single, bright red flower with golden stamens. Rigid stems carry magnificient flowers well above the lovely dark green leaves. Flowers fragrant. Height 90 cm. Unique and most popular sort, always in high demand.
SINGING IN THE RAIN (Smith, Newton 2002)
Flowers semi-double, pleasantly fragrant. Newly opened flowers appear to be light orange, heavily flushed with pink, some petals have dark pink streaks. Mature flowers salmon to deep yellow. Combination of the two color stages gives the plant a very pretty two-tone effect (click on the photo to see them). Very floriferous, 3-4 buds per stem, 50 flowers in one plant! Flowers are virtually unaffected by heavy rain, thus the name. Plant height 120 cm. Very beautiful, only rarely offered peony, always in high demand. Limited amount of plants.
Flowers deep yellow to golden yellow. Wild plant coming from Turkey. Only other two wild species of the Spuria group of irises have yellow flowers - I. spuria subsp. halophila and I. crocea. Plant height 80-100 cm, frost resistant in Czech Republic.