Results 1 - 24 of 87
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LORELEI (Hollingsworth 1996)

Flowers of bomb type, opens a striking orange pink, passes to light apricot orange. Sweet, spicy fragrance. Flowers, borne singly on 70 cm stems. Bush stoutly erect. Bright avocado color leaflets, veined yellow green. Excellent peony...

Sales price: 26 €


Large, very dark red flowers, semi-double to double, fine waxy substance. Bright yellow stamens in the centre are visible during full bloom. Shiny green foliage on strong erect stems, nice purple autumn coloration of leaves.

Sales price: 21 €

MOTHER'S CHOICE (Glasscock 1950)

Very large, double, creamy blush pink colour flowers, fragrant and floriferous. Strong stems with excellent foliage, height 80 cm. Perfect as a cut flower. One of the best among lactifloras.

Sales price: 21 €


Very large, double, unusual soft shell salmon pink, round ball-shaped flowers. Very floriferous, fragrant. Strong stems with excellent foliage, height 90 cm. Widely used as a cut flower. Beautiful...

Sales price: 18 €

OLD ROSE DANDY (Laning 1993)

Semi-double flowers of old rose color which intensifies (darkens) with age (unusual color), large flare at base of petals, interesting purplish rose blend at opening. Profuse flowering, lovely dark green leaves. Height 80 cm. Unique sort, always in high demand.

Sales price: 29 €

SCARLET HEAVEN (Anderson 1999)

Large, single, bright red flower with golden stamens. Rigid stems carry magnificient flowers well above the lovely dark green leaves. Flowers fragrant. Height 90 cm. Unique and most popular sort, always in high demand.

Sales price: 27 €

CLAIRE DE LUNE (White, Wild & Son 1954)

Flowers single, large (13 cm), creamy yellow, crinkled and rounded petals and dark yellow stamens. It is a hybrid of the yellow species P. mlokosewitschii and Mons. Jules Elie. Wonderfully fragrant. Dark green leaflets, reddish stems, low plant habit and high vigour. This very choice variety is one of the earliest flowering peonies, very wanted...

Sales price: 24 €

FIRST ARRIVAL (Anderson 1986)

Semi-double to double, very large flowers, lavender pink with darker center. Flowers abundant, situated on top of the dense foliage, slightly scented. Beautiful dark green leaves create superb and compact shrub.

Sales price: 27 €

AUGUSTIN D'HOUR (Calot 1867)

A medium to large (12 cm) velvety red bloom that is a very different shade of a bright chestnut blood red or reddish mahogany. Strong stems, suitable to natural gardens, good in combination with perennials.

Sales price: 14 €

MRS. EDWARD HARDING (Shaylor 1918)

Large, white, double, lacy flowers illumined by many golden stamens hidden under the petals and by a bright tuft of them in the center when fully open. Free flowering, strong stems and excellent dark green foliage.

Sales price: 17 €

SOFT SALMON SAUCER (Cousin/Klehm 1981)

Soft salmon pink single flowers are saucer-shaped. Opening buds hold a true perfect cup-shape for a long time. Pink color shading to a deeper tone at the base of the petals, which surround the golden stamen centre. Perfectly formed, the flowers display a grand elegance and finesse. Flowers mildly fragrant. A lovely peony indeed...

Sales price: 18 €

RASPBERRY CHARM (Wissing - Klehm 1985)

Flowers semi-double, large, a cup form, raspberry red with golden stamens in the centre. Blooming quite a bit ahead of other full-flowered peonies, lasts forever as a cut flower. Thick and very strong stems, plant habit of Coral Charm, height 85 cm. Beautiful peony, only rarely offered.

Sales price: 21 €

LA PERLE (Crousse1886)

Large, double, globular shape, light lavender-pink flowers with a slightly darker center prominently flaked with red. Flowers very fragrant. Excellent grower, strong stems are suitable to cutting. One of the very few beautiful varieties in this color, simply excellent!

Sales price: 19 €

DAYTON (Krekler 1962)

Full double, large, deep fuchsia pink and silvery flowers. A smoothly tailored form, very fragrant. Strong stems, excellent plant habit, strong grower. Recommended as excellent landscape peony...

Sales price: 21 €

GARDEN TREASURE (Hollingsworth 1984)

Flowers semi-double to nearly full double, yellow petals, reddish in the centre. Flowers well above the foliage, plants form broad low bush. Flowers fragrant, strong stems, height 70 cm. 100% winter-hardy. Recommended...

Sales price: 27 €


Flowers large, double, blush white flowers, medium high crowned well arranged petals, nice guard petals, unfolds well. Good for cut-flower production, lovely attractive blush color in bouquets. Height 70 cm.

Sales price: 24 €


Flowers semi-double, large, intense salmon pink. Three rows of petals surround golden-yellow stamens. Flowers cup-shaped, fragrant. Very romantic appearance. Height 85 cm, strong stems, light green leaves. Charming, rarely offered peony, recommended.

Sales price: 19 €

GREEN HALO (Klehm 1999)

Snowy white topping of frilly petals and petaloides crown this semi-double flowered peony. Underneath lie unusual green guard petals. Flowers slightly fragrant. Very unusual, very rare...

Sales price: 33 €

DIANA PARKS (Bockstoce 1942)

Full double, bomb-shaped flowers of bright carmine red color. Petals tightly packed to the center, which is pushed up in the maturing process resulting in huge and stunning bomb-shaped flowers. No sidebuds. Delicously scented flowers seldom seen amongst true red peony cultivars.

Sales price: 19 €

AVALANCHE (Crousse 1886)

Flowers large, globular, double, blush-white of waxy texture with a faint pink center and very narrow crimson edges to a few petals. Compact, generally incurved flower with the tips of the outer petals recurved from its ball-like center. Fragrance strong but not sweet.

Sales price: 18 €

AMALIA OLSON (Olson 1959)

Flowers large, well filled, globular, double, purest white imaginable. Flowers deliciously scented. Stems strong, foliage large, dark green. Amalia Olson is extremely suitable for planting cut flowers as well as for planting in gardens.

Sales price: 18 €

GARDENIA (Lins 1955)

Full double white flowers with the occasional yellow stamen visible in the center of the large blooms. 'Gardenia' is named after the genus to which the flower form is very comparable to. Many sidebuds, providing an optional prolonged blooming season. Flowers delightfully fragrant, suitable to cutting. Dark green and fairly coarse leaflets on thick stems, fine plant habit.

Sales price: 18 €

LEMON CLOUDS (Laning/Klehm 2008)

NOVELTY! Flowers semi-double, 15 cm in diameter, soft lemon yellow, inner petals rounded, outer petals fringed. Upright growth, flowers grow single on strong stems, are fragrant and very suitable for cutting. Plant height 70 cm. A novelty, so far only rarely offered!

Sales price: 35 €

JOKER (Rogers L./A. 2004)

Full double flowers, 1 - 3 per stem. Flowers open dark pink, matures to white-centre with pink picotee edge. Plants 80 cm high, strong stems. A beautiful peony, stunning flower colour changes during a day.

Sales price: 26 €
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603 00 Brno
Phone: +420 737 183 790


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