BIG RED WAGON (Stamile 2008)
Flower size: 17 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers large, deep red with green throat. Petals very ruffled and lined gold on edges. Huge and very beautiful sort...
BILL NORRIS (Kirchhoff 1994)
Flower size: 13 cm, plant height: 75 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET
BLACK EMANUELLE (Heemskerk 2006)
Flower size: 13 cm, plant height: 75 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP
BLACK STOCKINGS (Heemskerk 2004)
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET
Standards white with fine lemon wire edges. Falls lavender with a large white starburst radiating out and blending into lavender, edge more buff to red violet, ruffled. Beards vivid tangerine, lighter at end.
Flowers wavy, standards light orchid-lavender, huge cream-brown border, falls velvety dark blue-purple, few white lines at edge, small white area stitched purple brown near brick carrot beards. Slight sweet fragrance. Excellent sort from the Slovak breeder Anton Mego.
BRIDAL PARTY (Johnson 2006)
Standards eggshell white, slight buff-pink upward flush, buff gold flush at edge, lightly laced gold edge. Falls cream ground, medium gold haft, slight downward flush to narrow peachy buff edge. Beards bright tangerine red. Slight fragrance. Strong, vigorous and healthy growth.
Flower size: 7 cm, plant height: 50 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers velvety red above green throat. Lower daylily suitable to foreground of perennial borders.
BROADWAY RAVES (Stamile 2007)
Flower size: 7 cm, plant height: 42 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Miniature daylily, flowers red orange with red eye above green throat.
BY JEEVES (Blyth 2008)
Standards lavender lilac, falls rich violet with lilac edge, heavily veined white pattern around beards, very ruffled. Beards bright tangerine. Pleasant sweet fragrance.
CAFE D'AMOUR (Blyth 2010)
Standards antique lemon infused with light violet, falls bright blue-violet to rosy-violet, deepening to blue violet around the gold beards. Exceptionally ruffled flowers, excellent sort.
CALICO JACK (Trimmer 1998)
Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flower yellow with plum eyezone and green throat.
CANDY CANE CUTIE (Maryott 2000)
Standards white, with light apricot shadow, falls white, even violett or maroon veining near full length, diffusing at end with white band. Beards bright tangerine. Lovely sort.
CANDY COLOURS (Blyth 2009/10)
Standards coral orange, lightly ruffled, falls coral orange-sienna, large violet flash beside and below beard, ruffled and flared. Beards orange. Fine pleasant fragrance.
Flowers ruffled, standards lemon orange, edge pale gold, falls pale lemon center with darker veining, edge pale gold. Beards prolonged, orange. Slight sweet fragrance. Excellent sort belonging to SA (Space Age) type.
Standards warm white blushed metallic pink over center blending paler toward edge to darker tan-gold margins, fine darker pink veins, falls pale cream-white center, haft heavily veined tan brown to wide gold peach haft margin extending way down, medium metallic peach sheen over center veined and washed dark violet, ruffled. Beards bright orange. Pronounced sweet fragrance.
CELEBRATION SONG (Schreiner 1993)
Apricot-pink standards nicely complement the ruffled blue-lavender or light violet falls. Beards orange. Highly valued sort, delicate flowers. Excellent growth and rich flowering. Fine fragrance.
CELEBRATION SONG (Schreiner 1993)
Standards pink-white, falls white with sky blue border. The edges of the flower are gracefully waved. Beards promiment, tangerine orange. Height 80 cm.
Standards violet, falls cold white ground heavily peppered violet, darker violet rim. Beards white, tipped golden yellow. Sweet, pleasant fragrance.
CHAMPAGNE WALTZ (Schreiner 1994)
Standards apricot yellow, falls ruffled, creamy white with apricot yellow edge. Beards tangerine orange. Fine sort, good also in combination with high perennials.
CHANG DYNASTY (Stamile 2007)
Flower size: 17 cm, plant height: 75 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Hot coral orange blend with yellow edge above green throat. 50 buds, 7 branches, very beautiful sort. Repeat flowering in late summer.
CHARLESTON (Keppel 2002)
Standards white with broad blue violet edge, falls white with darker blue edge. Flowers very ruffled and laced. Beards blue white, light yellow in throat.
Standards peach pink, purple blended up midrib, falls buff, lavender and blue blend, violet veins, ruffled. Beards tangerine. Fine combination of colors, very suitable for a vase.
CHEAP FRILLS (Black 2009)
Standards peach orange, darker toward edge, falls white, light cinnamon peach plicata washed and dotted margins and base. Beards dark red-orange. Flowers heavily ruffled and laced, slight sweet fragrance. Strong and vigorous growth.