ORANGE NASSAU (Heemskerk 2011)
Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP Flowers orange with waving ruffled edges. Repeat flowering in the late summer. Fine branching, healthy growth.
OUTRAGEOUS (Stevens 1978)
Flower size: 11 cm, plant height: 55 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET
PAGAN RITUAL (Carr 1999)
Flower size: 13 cm, plant height: 65 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET
Flower size: 18 cm, plant height: 85 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers big, red-orange-pink with prominent yellow center and small green throat.
PAPRIKA FLAME (Heemskerk 2012)
Flower size: 12 cm, plant height: 65 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: DIP Flowers double, red pepper color, darker center and venation.
PEACH MAGNOLIA (Joiner 1986)
Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 80 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP Flowers double, light salmon pink, cream edge. Beautiful double daylily, recommeded. Repeat flowering in late summer.
PERSIAN RUBY (Trimmer 1998)
Flower size: 20 cm, plant height: 75 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET
PINK STRIPES (Derrow 2006)
Flower size: 18 cm, plant height: 75 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP
PINK TANGERINE (Rudolph 1978)
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 90 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers pink tangerine with light rose eyezone and small green throat. Flowers very fragrant. Flowers fragrant.
PRIMAL SCREAM (Hanson 1994)
Flower size: 19 cm, plant height: 85 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers large, tangerine orange with green throat.
PUMPKIN BANDIT (Corbett 2006)
Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers golden yellow with prominent mahogany edges and ring around green throat. Fine, modern daylily with rounded flowers.
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: semievergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers strawberry red with prominent white toothed edge, throat yellow. NEW!
ROCK SOLID (Stamile 2002)
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers round, large, cream with a large contrasting purple-plum eye around a green throat. Petals wavy with a waxy substance and a purple-plum border on the edges. Flowers very fragrant.
ROSWITHA (Trimmer 1992)
Flower size: 8 cm, plant height: 40 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP
ROYAL SARACEN (Munson 1982)
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 65 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET
Flower size: 18 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET
SABINE BAUR (Salter 1999)
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET