DRAGON KING (Kirchhoff 1992)
Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 55 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flower mandarin red with vivid green throat. Reblooming sort.
DRAGONS EYE (Salter 1991)
Flower size: 10 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: DIP
DREAM LEGACY (Stamile 1995)
Flower size: 12 cm, plant height: 65 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers creamy white, with a large, prominent wine-purple eye around a dark green throat. The petals are wavy, thinly edged with purple at the ends. Repeats flowering in late summer or autumn.
EIGHT MILES HIGH (Lambertson 2003)
Flower size: 19 cm, plant height: 80 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers black red with darker black red eye and white shark's teeth edge above green throat. Often repeat flowering in late summer.
EL TORITO (Jones B. 1997)
Standards and falls deep orange. Beards deep red. Slight fragrance.
ELEGANT CANDY (Stamile 1995)
Flower size: 11 cm, plant height: 65 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers pleasantly fragrant.
Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 55 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 55 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET
EXOTIC SPIDER (Heemskerk 2015)
Flower size: 18 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP Flowers large, ruffled, pink with silver-white edges and prominent yellow throat. Unique spider form daylily, good grower.
EYE OF THE TIGER (Black 2008)
Standards ruffled, medium buff-gold, lighter in center. Falls ruffled, medium buff-gold, large garnet spot, medium buff-gold haft veins beside beard. Beards dark orange, tipped white. Pronounced strawberry fragrance.
EYEBRIGHT (Taylor 1979)
Bright golden yellow with brown lines on falls. Beards yellow-orange. Slight fragrance.
FAIRY TALE PINK (Pierce 1980)
Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: DIP
FAVORITE ANGEL (Jones B. 1990)
Pure white standards and falls, lightly ruffled. Beards silver white. Slight sweet fragrance.
FINGERTIPS (Black 2004)
Standards translucent medium light old gold, falls medium yellow gold, diffuse medium charcoal purple spot changing to veining on haft. Beards orange, yellow base. Slight fragrance.
FINS TO THE LEFT (Hansen 2008)
Flower size: 20 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers large, deep purple above creamy yellow throat. Petals widely opened, lined white with some tooths on edges. Profuse flowering. Huge and very beautiful sort...
FIRE CORAL (Aitken 2007)
Standards hot orange, falls orange, burgundy red wash, lighter at edges, orange hafts. Beards intense orange-red. Slight fragrance.
FIRESTORM (Smith M. 1994)
Standards nearly solid burgundy, fading to buff, burgundy midrib. Falls golden yellow ground, heavily lined and washed port wine, becoming solid port wine at rim, ruffled. Beards old gold. Slight fragrance. Nice sort.
FIRST KNIGHT (Salter 1995)
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: semi-evergreent, ploidy: TET Flowers icream yellow with gold edge and green throat. Flowers fragrant.
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET
Flower size: 11 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP Flowers bell-shaped, yellow, fragrant. Natural species, blooming very early in the season. Decorative, thin leaves. Sometimes rebloom in late summer.
FOOLED ME (Reilly 1990)
Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET
Flower size: 17 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: DIP Flowers fragrant, gray blue with deep wine eye above lime throat. Reblooming sort.
Flower size: 16 cm, plant height: 75 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET
Flower size: 16 cm, plant height: 75 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET