Results 145 - 168 of 180

OLD TIME MEMORIES (Carpenter 2004)

Flower size: 20 cm, plant height: 90 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers large, fragrant, bright orange red with prominent golden-yellow center. Spider-form flowers. Excellent daylily, healthy growth, recommended.

Sales price: 180 Kč

EXOTIC SPIDER (Heemskerk 2015)

Flower size: 18 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP Flowers large, ruffled, pink with silver-white edges and prominent yellow throat. Unique spider form daylily, good grower.

Sales price: 145 Kč

NEW PARADIGM (Stamile 2008)

Flower size: 17 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers golden yellow with prominent burgundy eye above yellow throat. Fine, modern daylily, recommended.

Sales price: 300 Kč


Flower size: 18 cm, plant height: 85 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers big, red-orange-pink with prominent yellow center and small green throat.

Sales price: 155 Kč

BAND OF FIRE (Maryott 2016)

Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 80 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET Brilliant yellow-gold petals with big, bright red eye and wide, heavily ruffled edge mixed with gold. Reblooming sort.

Sales price: 250 Kč


Flower size: 7 cm, plant height: 50 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers velvety red above green throat. Lower daylily suitable to foreground of perennial borders.

Sales price: 135 Kč

TARANTULA (Griffiths 1989)

Flower size: 21 cm, plant height: 100 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP Flowers large, ruffled, bronze orange and ochre yellow combination. Spider form daylily, good grower.

Sales price: 150 Kč


Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 90 cm, foliage: DOR, ploidy: DIP Flowers double, orange with a red eye, the outer petals are bent back. The leaves are white variegated, usually variegated and reverted leaves grow at the same time. An interesting daylily, easy to grow...

Sales price: 160 Kč

FOOLED ME (Reilly 1990)

Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET

Sales price: 135 Kč

FIRST KNIGHT (Salter 1995)

Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: semi-evergreent, ploidy: TET Flowers icream yellow with gold edge and green throat. Flowers fragrant.

Sales price: 140 Kč


Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers 90% double, very ruffled, peach pink blend above yellow throat. Often rebloom in late summer...

Sales price: 190 Kč


Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 50 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers semidouble, ruffled, pink with yellow cream eyezone.

Sales price: 150 Kč


Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 80 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers double, ivory white with faint honey color band, fragrant. Health growth, profuse flowering, often rebloom in late summer...

Sales price: 240 Kč


Flower size: 13 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers bright pink with rose band and picotee edge above chartreuse throat. Petals very ruffled with an unusual relief structure and waxy substance. Sometime rebloom in late summer...

Sales price: 220 Kč


Flower size: 27 cm, plant height: 90 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Spider-like flowers are large, ivory white to white with a greenish center. The edges of the petals are slightly wrinkled, the flowers are very fragrant. It blooms later and sometimes continues to bloom until autumn.

Sales price: 190 Kč

VOLCANO QUEEN (Trimmer 2004)

Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers large, orange with red eye above yellow green throat. Petal edges ruffled.

Sales price: 170 Kč


Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers golden yellow self above green throat, very unusually formed petals, looking as wood carving masterpiece. One of the most strange daylilies....

Sales price: 260 Kč

BI-EYED BABY (Carpenter 1995)

Flower size: 11 cm, plant height: 50 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP Flowers pastel orange-cream with multiple color eyezone and gold to green throat and ruffled petal edges. Flowers fragrant.

Sales price: 140 Kč

PINK TANGERINE (Rudolph 1978)

Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 90 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers pink tangerine with light rose eyezone and small green throat. Flowers very fragrant. Flowers fragrant.

Sales price: 140 Kč


Flower size: 11 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP Flowers bell-shaped, yellow, fragrant. Natural species, blooming very early in the season. Decorative, thin leaves. Sometimes rebloom in late summer.

Sales price: 140 Kč

MT PLEASANT PRIDE (Roycroft 2004)

Flower size: 17 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers large, butter yellow with mahagony purple eye above chartreuse throat. Petals mahagony purple at edges. Sometimes rebloom in late summer.

Sales price: 140 Kč


Flower size: 11 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers cream with wide navy blue eye above green throat.

Sales price: 160 Kč

BIG RED WAGON (Stamile 2008)

Flower size: 17 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers large, deep red with green throat. Petals very ruffled and lined gold on edges. Huge and very beautiful sort...

Sales price: 260 Kč

IT IS FINISHED (Carpenter 2004)

Flower size: 18 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers large, bright cherry red self above green throat, petals ruffled. Flowers fragrant. Fine large-flowered daylily.

Sales price: 240 Kč


Mgr. Miroslav Řičánek
Veletržní 674/5
603 00 Brno
Phone: +420 737 183 790


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We guarantee all of our plants to be true to name. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, notify us at once upon receipt of your plants and we will replace plants under complain. However, we reserve the right to refuse replacements if plants have not been properly cared for once they are delivered.