ADAMAS (Stamile 2002)
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET. Flower orchid pink with plum violet eye and edge above green throat.
ALL FIRED UP (Stamile 1996)
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 65 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET
ALLAN P. MCCONNELL - small hosta
Leaves dark green with a pure white narrow edge. Plant height 20 cm, width 30 cm, lavender flowers. Suitable for containers, shady rock gardens and in the foreground of perennial beds. I am sending a clump of several plants.
APPLIQUE (Stamile 2003)
Flower size: 25 cm, plant height: 75 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers large, ruffled, dark crimson or plume red with yellow center and green throat. Unique spider form daylily, good grower.
ARCTIC SNOW (Stamile P. 1985)
Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers ivory-white with yellow throat, slightly ruffled edges.
Flower size: 16 cm, plant height: 75 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET
BABY BUNTING - small hosta
The cute little leaves are blue-green, almost perfectly round and have some nice corrugation. Baby Bunting forms a dense mound of cupped foliage. Height only 15 cm, width 25 cm, flowers bright purple. Suitable for containers, troughs and shady rock gardens. Fine, little known miniature hosta.
BAND OF FIRE (Maryott 2016)
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 80 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET Brilliant yellow-gold petals with big, bright red eye and wide, heavily ruffled edge mixed with gold. Reblooming sort.
BANDOLERO (Grooms 1972)
Flower size: 11 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP Flowers gold bronze, fragrant.
BE THINE (Sellers 1993)
Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET
Leaves narrow, blue. Plant height 20 cm, width 30 cm, lavender flowers. Suitable for containers, shady rock gardens and in the foreground of perennial beds.
BELA LUGOSI (Hanson 1995)
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 80 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers fragrant, pink with red eye and edge above green throat.
BI-EYED BABY (Carpenter 1995)
Flower size: 11 cm, plant height: 50 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP Flowers pastel orange-cream with multiple color eyezone and gold to green throat and ruffled petal edges. Flowers fragrant.
Flower size: 11 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers cream with wide navy blue eye above green throat.
BIG RED WAGON (Stamile 2008)
Flower size: 17 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers large, deep red with green throat. Petals very ruffled and lined gold on edges. Huge and very beautiful sort...
BILL NORRIS (Kirchhoff 1994)
Flower size: 13 cm, plant height: 75 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET
BLACK EMANUELLE (Heemskerk 2006)
Flower size: 13 cm, plant height: 75 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP
BLACK STOCKINGS (Heemskerk 2004)
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET
BLUE MOUSE EARS - small hosta
Small, round blue-green leaves resembling 'mouse ears' are very firm, leathery with a suede surface. Plant height only 15 cm, width 20 cm, lavender flowers. Suitable for containers, troughs and shady rock gardens. Nice, interesting miniature hosta.
Flower size: 7 cm, plant height: 50 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers velvety red above green throat. Lower daylily suitable to foreground of perennial borders.
BROADWAY RAVES (Stamile 2007)
Flower size: 7 cm, plant height: 42 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Miniature daylily, flowers red orange with red eye above green throat.
CALICO JACK (Trimmer 1998)
Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 70 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flower yellow with plum eyezone and green throat.
CATHEDRAL WINDOWS - fragrant hosta
Large leaves with a wide dark green margin and yellow center. Large, nearly white flowers are fragrant! Bloom in late summer. Height of plant 50 cm. Excellent tetraploid sort with fragrant flowers, sun tolerant.