TARANTULA (Griffiths 1989)
Flower size: 21 cm, plant height: 100 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: DIP Flowers large, ruffled, bronze orange and ochre yellow combination. Spider form daylily, good grower.
TOP BRASS (Klehm 1968)
Double flowers, white, wide ivory guard petals surround a large double bomb flower of canary yellow highlighted with light pink petaloids in the center. Light fragrance, good cut flower. Unique white flowers with yellow topping.
TRUFFLICIOUS (Kirchhoff 2006)
Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers double, bright pastel cream pink with gold edge above green throat. Repeat flowering in the late summer. Fine branching, healthy growth. Excellent sort...
Flowers large, double, blush white flowers, medium high crowned well arranged petals, nice guard petals, unfolds well. Good for cut-flower production, lovely attractive blush color in bouquets. Height 70 cm.
VICTORIAN LACE (Stamile 2000)
Flower size: 17 cm, plant height: 80 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers large, fragrant, porcelain white pink with a beige center and a green throat. The outer edges of the petals are laced and edged in gold. High-quality fragrant daylily...
VOLCANO QUEEN (Trimmer 2004)
Flower size: 15 cm, plant height: 60 cm, foliage: semi-evergreen, ploidy: TET Flowers large, orange with red eye above yellow green throat. Petal edges ruffled.
WHITE CAP (Winchell 1956)
Japanese-type flowers with dark pink to raspberry red guard petals surrounding the full centre of ivory white staminodes. A mature plant forms a compact bush producing many long flowering flower stems. Most deliciously scenting flowers. Always in high demand...
WHITE PERFECTION (Stamile P. 1996)
Flower size: 14 cm, plant height: 75 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET
WILD HORSES (Trimmer 1999)
Flower size: 17 cm, plant height: 90 cm, foliage: evergreen, ploidy: TET
WINEBERRY CANDY (Stamile 1990)
Flower size: 12 cm, plant height: 55 cm, foliage: dormant, ploidy: TET Flowers fragrant, orchid pink with purple eyezone and green throat.