TOM SCHMID - large hosta
Long blue leaves with thin white margin and upright growth. Plant height 60-70 cm, flowers lavender, tall flowering stems - up to120 cm.
TOP BRASS (Klehm 1968)
Double flowers, white, wide ivory guard petals surround a large double bomb flower of canary yellow highlighted with light pink petaloids in the center. Light fragrance, good cut flower. Unique white flowers with yellow topping.
TWIST OF LIME - small hosta
Grass green leaves and dark green narrow, slightly wavy margins. This is lovely, small hosta, height and width only 10 cm, flowers lavender. Suitable for containers, troughs and shady rock gardens. Cute miniature hosta...
VENUS - fragrant hosta
Leaves large (up to 30 cm), oval, bright light green, shiny to waxy surface with deeply engraved longitudinal veins. In late summer, it blooms with large (up to 13 cm long), pure white, very fragrant flowers. Compared to other hostas, it can tolerate quite a lot of sun. Plant height 50 cm.
VERONICA LAKE - small hosta
Leaves are heart-shaped, dark green with a whitish-yellow edge. Leaves regularly spaced, forming a neat clump. It blooms in July, flowers lavender. Plants 20 cm tall and 30 cm wide. Suitable for containers, shady rock gardens and in the foreground of perennial beds.
Flowers large, double, blush white flowers, medium high crowned well arranged petals, nice guard petals, unfolds well. Good for cut-flower production, lovely attractive blush color in bouquets. Height 70 cm.
WHITE CAP (Winchell 1956)
Japanese-type flowers with dark pink to raspberry red guard petals surrounding the full centre of ivory white staminodes. A mature plant forms a compact bush producing many long flowering flower stems. Most deliciously scenting flowers. Always in high demand...
WU - LA - LA - extra large hosta
The largest hosta with variegated leaves! A real giant, it grows to a height of 120 cm and a width of 150 cm in adulthood. The large, blue to dark green leaves have striking, yellow-cream edges. Flowers purple. If you've been looking for a really unmissable hosta to your garden, you've just found it... Plant singly in a semi-shaded location, it will grow to full size in about 5 years...
Flowers large, double (Bomb Type), pure white with sharp red highlights scattered over the upper third of the flower when fully opened. Pleasant rose fragrance, excellent for floral bouquets.