Leaves narrow, blue. Plant height 20 cm, width 30 cm, lavender flowers. Suitable for containers, shady rock gardens and in the foreground of perennial beds.
WU - LA - LA - extra large hosta
The largest hosta with variegated leaves! A real giant, it grows to a height of 120 cm and a width of 150 cm in adulthood. The large, blue to dark green leaves have striking, yellow-cream edges. Flowers purple. If you've been looking for a really unmissable hosta to your garden, you've just found it... Plant singly in a semi-shaded location, it will grow to full size in about 5 years...
TWIST OF LIME - small hosta
Grass green leaves and dark green narrow, slightly wavy margins. This is lovely, small hosta, height and width only 10 cm, flowers lavender. Suitable for containers, troughs and shady rock gardens. Cute miniature hosta...
RIPPLE EFFECT - medium hosta
Narrow, yellow-green, intensively curled leaves with narrow dark green margin. Flowers lavender. Plant height 20 cm, width 25 cm. An excellent cultivar with brilliant colour and an unusual, rippled form. Suitable for containers and perennial plantings.
HANKY PANKY - medium hosta
Leaves emerge dark green with gold-green borders separated from the centers with a narrow, white thread. Violet flowers. Suitable for containers and perennial plantings.
HYDON SUNSET - small hosta
A dense mound of heart-shaped foliage that is bright golden green in spring becoming green by mid-summer ... It blooms in July with dark lavender flowers. Height 30 cm., creates a dense tuft. Suitable for containers, on the edge of a flower bed, or shady rock gardens. I am sending a clump of several plants.
GREAT ESCAPE - large hosta
Thick blue green leaves, the margins are cream white. Flowers lavender blue. A lovely hosta, extremely popular. A reliable grower.
FIRE AND ICE - large hosta
Leaves creme white with dark green edge. Height 40 cm. Flowers lavender blue. A lovely hosta...
LITTLE RED ROOSTER - small hosta
Shiny green leaves are slightly wavy and are held on bright red petioles. Lavender flowers are borne on bright red scapes Suitable for containers, on the edge of a flower bed, or shady rock gardens. I am sending a clump of several plants.