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CATHARINE FONTIJN (Van der Valk/Van der Zwet 1952)

Beautiful double pink flowers blended through white with yellow glow from center. When the flowers mature the yellow stamens become more visible and the petals nearly turn to white. Very fragrant. An excellent cut flower. Vigorous grower, very floriferous.

Sales price: 420 Kč

CORA STUBBS (Krekler W.H. 1985)

Flower Japanese form, sassy raspberry pink with large vanilla ice cream scoop center. Flowers pleasantly fragrant. Vigorous plant habit and lush foliage, one of the best!

Sales price: 480 Kč

CORAL SUNSET (Wissing 1965)

Flowers semi-double, deep orange-coral color, deepest of all Corall sorts and nicest fragrance in this group. Many thick, strong stems, very vigorous grower. Excellent as a cut-flower.

Sales price: 430 Kč


Flowers double, cupped, creamy white, very pleasant, strong sweet fragrance. Very floriferous. Many strong stems, excellent foliage. Old, but still very very popular sort, also good as cut-flower. Its fragrance is so sweeeeet!

Sales price: 380 Kč

FESTIVA MAXIMA (Miellez 1851)

Flowers large, globular, double, pure white with a spot of red on a few central petals. Flowers with delightful fragrance, very floriferous sort. Stems strong, foliage large, dark green.

Sales price: 420 Kč

JAN VAN LEEUWEN (van Leeuwen 1928)

Flowers of japanese type, white, large petals surround a small center of deep yellow staminodes. Good bush habit, thick and strong stems make these sort especially good for cutting.

Sales price: 390 Kč

CORA LOUISE (Anderson 1986)

Huge semi-double white flowers with deep lavender to purple flares. The contrast between the purple color of the center of this peony and the pure white petals is magnificent – it is reminiscent of the type found on the Chinese Gansu Mudan (P. rockii hybrids). Robust stems hold the flowers well above the foliage. Beautiful, slightly fragrant flowers. Amazing...

Sales price: 520 Kč

KANSAS (Bigger 1940)

Double, rosy red to deep pink flowers. A very showy flowers, freely blooming sort. Normal grower, thick and very strong stems makes Kansas especially good for cutting.

Sales price: 380 Kč


Large double flowers, light pink heavily dotted dark pink. Unique sort with perfectly round finely dotted flowers. Healthy growth, nice foliage, simply a jewel among peonies! Till now very rare new sort, beautiful, recommended!

Sales price: 390 Kč

PASTEL SPLENDOR (Anderson/Seidl 1996) R.F. 1986)

Huge semi-double white flowers with deep lavender to purple flares. The contrast between the purple color of the center of this peony and the pure white petals is magnificent – it is reminiscent of the type found on the Chinese Gansu Mudan (P. rockii hybrids). Robust stems hold the flowers well above the foliage. Beautiful, slightly fragrant flowers. Amazing...

Sales price: 480 Kč

RED CHARM (Glascock 1944)

Sensational deep red double flowers. Flowers large (20 cm), perfectly formed. Mild sweet fragrance. The stems are strong and hold the large blooms erect. Excellent foliage. One of the best red coloured peonies, excellent for cutting.

Sales price: 440 Kč

SARAH BERNHARDT (Lemoine 1906)

Very large, double, dark rose-pink flowers with a slight red edging in the middle of the flower. A well known variety named for a famous actress, very floriferous, fragrant. Slow grower, many stems, widely used as cut flower.

Sales price: 370 Kč

SORBET (Klehm 1995)

Large (15 cm), double, remarkable flowers are buildt of several levels of small vanilla-cream petals sandwidched between larger strawberry and raspberry colored petals, with a pale yellow a sorbet! Unusual and pretty, with a very nice fragrance which fill your garden. Long lasting flowers, ideal for cutting.

Sales price: 380 Kč

TOP BRASS (Klehm 1968)

Double flowers, white, wide ivory guard petals surround a large double bomb flower of canary yellow highlighted with light pink petaloids in the center. Light fragrance, good cut flower. Unique white flowers with yellow topping.

Sales price: 360 Kč


Flowers single, deep shining red , cup shaped, stamens yellow. Natural species distributed in south-eastern Europe. Very early flowering (May). Precious species suitable natural gardens and sunny places, especially good in combination with taller perennials.

Sales price: 540 Kč

SHIRLEY TEMPLE (Smirnow 1948)

Large white double flowers with a light blush, opening from pink buds. Slight fragrance. Good grower with strong bush and dark green foliage. Excellent for cutting.

Sales price: 380 Kč


Pretty double vivid rose, very bright flowers. Petals of uniform size give a carnation-like appearance. Wonderful spicy fragrance. One flower per stem, excellent for cutting. Very popular, but rare, seldom offered peony.

Sales price: 760 Kč

GREEN HALO (Klehm 1999)

Snowy white topping of frilly petals and petaloides crown this semi-double flowered peony. Underneath lie unusual green guard petals. Flowers slightly fragrant. Very unusual, very rare...

Sales price: 780 Kč

DIANA PARKS (Bockstoce 1942)

Full double, bomb-shaped flowers of bright carmine red color. Petals tightly packed to the center, which is pushed up in the maturing process resulting in huge and stunning bomb-shaped flowers. No sidebuds. Delicously scented flowers seldom seen amongst true red peony cultivars.

Sales price: 420 Kč

AVALANCHE (Crousse 1886)

Flowers large, globular, double, blush-white of waxy texture with a faint pink center and very narrow crimson edges to a few petals. Compact, generally incurved flower with the tips of the outer petals recurved from its ball-like center. Fragrance strong but not sweet.

Sales price: 450 Kč

AMALIA OLSON (Olson 1959)

Flowers large, well filled, globular, double, purest white imaginable. Flowers deliciously scented. Stems strong, foliage large, dark green. Amalia Olson is extremely suitable for planting cut flowers as well as for planting in gardens.

Sales price: 460 Kč

GARDENIA (Lins 1955)

Full double white flowers with the occasional yellow stamen visible in the center of the large blooms. 'Gardenia' is named after the genus to which the flower form is very comparable to. Many sidebuds, providing an optional prolonged blooming season. Flowers delightfully fragrant, suitable to cutting. Dark green and fairly coarse leaflets on thick stems, fine plant habit.

Sales price: 420 Kč

CORAL CHARM (Wissing 1964)

Orange-coral buds open to large semi-double, coral-peach, cup-shaped flowers. Exotic deep coral fades to a softer color on opening. Flowers fragrant. Vigorous grower, thick stems. Sort received many awards, because of unique flower color. Excellent as a cut-flower.

Sales price: 450 Kč

CYTHEREA (Saunders 1953)

Semi-double, very large, deep pink to cherry red, strongly cupped petals, forming almost closed ball. Flowers fragrant. Very strong, erect stems, no sidebuds. Great cut flower with lots of flowers. Their pink colour fade off as the flower ages, resulting in many different shades of pink at one plant. Fine sort...

Sales price: 390 Kč


Mgr. Miroslav Řičánek
Veletržní 674/5
603 00 Brno
Phone: +420 737 183 790


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