Bareroot Herbaceous Peonies
We send strong roots of flowering size with a minimum of 3-5 buds. Orders all year round, peonies are sent bareroot in fall (October, November, December) and early in spring (late February and March).
Click on the photo or plant name to view detailed information.
SHIRLEY TEMPLE (Smirnow 1948)
Large white double flowers with a light blush, opening from pink buds. Slight fragrance. Good grower with strong bush and dark green foliage. Excellent for cutting.
SINGING IN THE RAIN (Smith, Newton 2002)
Flowers semi-double, pleasantly fragrant. Newly opened flowers appear to be light orange, heavily flushed with pink, some petals have dark pink streaks. Mature flowers salmon to deep yellow. Combination of the two color stages gives the plant a very pretty two-tone effect (click on the photo to see them). Very floriferous, 3-4 buds per stem, 50 flowers in one plant! Flowers are virtually unaffected by heavy rain, thus the name. Plant height 120 cm. Very beautiful, only rarely offered peony, always in high demand. Limited amount of plants.
SOFT SALMON SAUCER (Cousin/Klehm 1981)
Soft salmon pink single flowers are saucer-shaped. Opening buds hold a true perfect cup-shape for a long time. Pink color shading to a deeper tone at the base of the petals, which surround the golden stamen centre. Perfectly formed, the flowers display a grand elegance and finesse. Flowers mildly fragrant. A lovely peony indeed...
SORBET (Klehm 1995)
Large (15 cm), double, remarkable flowers are buildt of several levels of small vanilla-cream petals sandwidched between larger strawberry and raspberry colored petals, with a pale yellow a sorbet! Unusual and pretty, with a very nice fragrance which fill your garden. Long lasting flowers, ideal for cutting.
TOP BRASS (Klehm 1968)
Double flowers, white, wide ivory guard petals surround a large double bomb flower of canary yellow highlighted with light pink petaloids in the center. Light fragrance, good cut flower. Unique white flowers with yellow topping.
Flowers large, double, blush white flowers, medium high crowned well arranged petals, nice guard petals, unfolds well. Good for cut-flower production, lovely attractive blush color in bouquets. Height 70 cm.
WHITE CAP (Winchell 1956)
Japanese-type flowers with dark pink to raspberry red guard petals surrounding the full centre of ivory white staminodes. A mature plant forms a compact bush producing many long flowering flower stems. Most deliciously scenting flowers. Always in high demand...
Flowers large, double (Bomb Type), pure white with sharp red highlights scattered over the upper third of the flower when fully opened. Pleasant rose fragrance, excellent for floral bouquets.