Bareroot Herbaceous Peonies
We send strong roots of flowering size with a minimum of 3-5 buds. Orders all year round, peonies are sent bareroot in fall (October, November, December) and early in spring (late February and March).
Click on the photo or plant name to view detailed information.
ATHENA (Saunders 1949)
Flowers single, large, ivory-white to apricot-yellow with prominently present lavender flares at the base of the flower petals, contrasting golden-yellow stamens in the centre. It is a quadruple hybrid created from P. lactiflora x {(P. macrophylla x P. mlokosewitschii) x P. officinalis} breeding. Light fragrance. Early blooming, floriferous and vigorous with strong stems. Only rarely offered. Recommended. Plant height 80 cm.
CORAL MAGIC (Klehm 1998)
Flowers large, semi-double, cup-shaped, reddish-pink to deep rose coral with two to three rows of petals, with contrasting golden-yellow stamens in the center. The flowers grow singly on strong stems that have pretty dark green foliage. Plant height 80 cm. A beautiful novelty from a well-known American breeder.
FLAME (Glasscock 1939)
Medium to large single flowers are fiery scarlet red with contrasting golden stamens. Strong but fairly short stems come from breeding P. lactiflora x P. peregrina. Plant height 70 cm, recommended for group plantings in sunny gardens. Works well as a cut flower too.
HENRY BOCKSTOCE (Bockstoce 1955)
Full double, huge dinner plate size, rich cardinal red, excellent flowers. True red flower color comes from it being a Paeonia officinalis x lactifora hybrid. The last flowering peony of this hue in the season. Excellent grower, but slow of increase, sparse bush, heavy and tall stems. Highly prized as a cut-flower. Stunning presentation in the garden.
JAN VAN LEEUWEN (van Leeuwen 1928)
Flowers of japanese type, white, large petals surround a small center of deep yellow staminodes. Good bush habit, thick and strong stems make these sort especially good for cutting.
JOKER (Rogers L./A. 2004)
Full double flowers, 1 - 3 per stem. Flowers open dark pink, matures to white-centre with pink picotee edge. Plants 80 cm high, strong stems. A beautiful peony, stunning flower colour changes during a day.
KANSAS (Bigger 1940)
Double, rosy red to deep pink flowers. A very showy flowers, freely blooming sort. Normal grower, thick and very strong stems makes Kansas especially good for cutting.
Very large (17 cm), semi-double flowers, brilliant orange red hybrid with three or four rows of guard petals, all ruffled, golden yellow stamens in the center. Very attractive huge red flowers are fragrant, excellent for cutting. Plant height 90 cm.
MRS. EDWARD HARDING (Shaylor 1918)
Large, white, double, lacy flowers illumined by many golden stamens hidden under the petals and by a bright tuft of them in the center when fully open. Free flowering, strong stems and excellent dark green foliage.
NOSEGAY (Saunders 1950)
Single flowers, shell pink to soft salmon glazed in silver, fat golden yellow stamens surrounding purple stigmas complete a sensational display. Noticeable fragrance. It is a hybrid created from P. mlokosewitschi x P. tenuifolia breeding. Early blooming, very floriferous and vigorous, charming, recommended.
PAUL M. WILD (Wild 1964)
Large, double, velvety ruby-red flowers, beautifully formed. Graceful foliage, strong stems, excellent plant habit. A splendid peony….
Flowers single, deep shining red , cup shaped, stamens yellow. Natural species distributed in south-eastern Europe. Very early flowering (May). Precious species suitable natural gardens and sunny places, especially good in combination with taller perennials.
Large, semi-double flower made of a blend of rose and creamy-yellow. The lower part of each petal is creamy-yellow but the upper part is of a vivid pink with raspberry streaking and lightly crumpled margins. Almost delicate picotee effect! Flowers are held upright on strong stems. Elegant peony, unique pattern of the flowers, a favorite for cut flower bouquets.
Large double flowers, light pink heavily dotted dark pink. Unique sort with perfectly round finely dotted flowers. Healthy growth, nice foliage, simply a jewel among peonies! Till now very rare new sort, beautiful, recommended!
SCARLET O'HARA (Falk-Glasscock 1956)
Large, fiery red single flowers and contrasting golden stamens on strong stems come from breeding P. lactiflora x P. officinalis. Superb, rich green foliage on a very vigorous, easy to grow plant. If you have a full sun garden, you need this peony for sure…