Bareroot Herbaceous Peonies
We send strong roots of flowering size with a minimum of 3-5 buds. Orders all year round, peonies are sent bareroot in fall (October, November, December) and early in spring (late February and March).
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AUGUSTIN D'HOUR (Calot 1867)
A medium to large (12 cm) velvety red bloom that is a very different shade of a bright chestnut blood red or reddish mahogany. Strong stems, suitable to natural gardens, good in combination with perennials.
BUCKEYE BELLE (Mains 1956)
Extremely dark red (almost chocolate-red) semi-double, medium-sized flowers, petals are sprinkled with golden stamens. Striking maroon fall foliage. The very dark color, low plant height, compact habit makes this sort a very special.
cf. smouthii (Smouth 1845)
Flowers single, pinkish red. Compared to true P. x smouthii, the plants offered have somewhat wider leaves, their flowers are larger, rather pinkish-red than deep red. Flowers slightly fragrant, sterile. They bloom very early. The leaves are highly decorative even after flowering, plant height approx. 60 cm. A wonderful border plant...
CHRISTMAS VELVET (Anderson 1992)
Flowers large, double ball form, velvety red, pleasantly fragrant. The flowers bloom on strong stems above a leafy bush, so they are easily visible even from a distance. Thanks to the strong stems, the flowers are very suitable for cutting. Profusely flowering and healthy growing peony with nice foliage, plant height 70 cm.
COMMAND PERFORMANCE (Hollingsworth 1996)
Full double, bomb-shaped flowers, very large (23 cm), cardinal red color, fragrant. Petals tightly packed to the center. One flower per stem, no sidebuds, so it is perfect for cutting. Plant height 80 cm.
CORAL MAGIC (Klehm 1998)
Flowers large, semi-double, cup-shaped, reddish-pink to deep rose coral with two to three rows of petals, with contrasting golden-yellow stamens in the center. The flowers grow singly on strong stems that have pretty dark green foliage. Plant height 80 cm. A beautiful novelty from a well-known American breeder.
DIANA PARKS (Bockstoce 1942)
Full double, bomb-shaped flowers of bright carmine red color. Petals tightly packed to the center, which is pushed up in the maturing process resulting in huge and stunning bomb-shaped flowers. No sidebuds. Delicously scented flowers seldom seen amongst true red peony cultivars.
FLAME (Glasscock 1939)
Medium to large single flowers are fiery scarlet red with contrasting golden stamens. Strong but fairly short stems come from breeding P. lactiflora x P. peregrina. Plant height 70 cm, recommended for group plantings in sunny gardens. Works well as a cut flower too.
HENRY BOCKSTOCE (Bockstoce 1955)
Full double, huge dinner plate size, rich cardinal red, excellent flowers. True red flower color comes from it being a Paeonia officinalis x lactifora hybrid. The last flowering peony of this hue in the season. Excellent grower, but slow of increase, sparse bush, heavy and tall stems. Highly prized as a cut-flower. Stunning presentation in the garden.
KANSAS (Bigger 1940)
Double, rosy red to deep pink flowers. A very showy flowers, freely blooming sort. Normal grower, thick and very strong stems makes Kansas especially good for cutting.
Very large (17 cm), semi-double flowers, brilliant orange red hybrid with three or four rows of guard petals, all ruffled, golden yellow stamens in the center. Very attractive huge red flowers are fragrant, excellent for cutting. Plant height 90 cm.
OLD FAITHFUL (Glasscock-Falk 1964)
Flowers large, dark velvet red, double, with heavy substance of the petals. Highly prized, in our opinion, this is the best in its class. Flowers lightly fragrant. Strong stems and healthy, dark green foliage. Excellent as a cut-flower. American Peony Society Gold Medal Winner (1997) of the best peonies!
PAUL M. WILD (Wild 1964)
Large, double, velvety ruby-red flowers, beautifully formed. Graceful foliage, strong stems, excellent plant habit. A splendid peony….
Flowers single, deep shining red , cup shaped, stamens yellow. Natural species distributed in south-eastern Europe. Very early flowering (May). Precious species suitable natural gardens and sunny places, especially good in combination with taller perennials.
Large, very dark red flowers, semi-double to double, fine waxy substance. Bright yellow stamens in the centre are visible during full bloom. Shiny green foliage on strong erect stems, nice purple autumn coloration of leaves.
RASPBERRY CHARM (Wissing - Klehm 1985)
Flowers semi-double, large, a cup form, raspberry red with golden stamens in the centre. Blooming quite a bit ahead of other full-flowered peonies, lasts forever as a cut flower. Thick and very strong stems, plant habit of Coral Charm, height 85 cm. Beautiful peony, only rarely offered.
RED CHARM (Glascock 1944)
Sensational deep red double flowers. Flowers large (20 cm), perfectly formed. Mild sweet fragrance. The stems are strong and hold the large blooms erect. Excellent foliage. One of the best red coloured peonies, excellent for cutting.
SCARLET O'HARA (Falk-Glasscock 1956)
Large, fiery red single flowers and contrasting golden stamens on strong stems come from breeding P. lactiflora x P. officinalis. Superb, rich green foliage on a very vigorous, easy to grow plant. If you have a full sun garden, you need this peony for sure…