Bareroot Herbaceous Peonies
We send strong roots of flowering size with a minimum of 3-5 buds. Orders all year round, peonies are sent bareroot in fall (October, November, December) and early in spring (late February and March).
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ANGEL CHEEKS (Klehm C.G. 1970)
Flowers double, soft cameo-pink with red freckles on the top of the petals, double row of pink guard petals, big full bloom. Normal grower, strong stems, big leaves, disease resistant. Excellent sort, giant flowers (15 cm), pronounced lovely floral fragrance. Charming!
BARTZELLA (Anderson 1986)
Full double flowers, bright yellow with red flares. Healthy and strong growth, 100% winter-hardy. Lovely lemon fragrance, giant flowers (18 cm)! Recommended for any garden, unique and most popular yellow sort.
Flowers double, cupped, creamy white, very pleasant, strong sweet fragrance. Very floriferous. Many strong stems, excellent foliage. Old, but still very very popular sort, also good as cut-flower. Its fragrance is so sweeeeet!
FESTIVA MAXIMA (Miellez 1851)
Flowers large, globular, double, pure white with a spot of red on a few central petals. Flowers with delightful fragrance, very floriferous sort. Stems strong, foliage large, dark green.
Flowers double, blush white, with a scarlet suffusion deepening to center, opened flowers are of rose shape, very wide and narrow petals intermingled. Very fragrant! Strong stems, very vigorous and floriferous.
KANSAS (Bigger 1940)
Double, rosy red to deep pink flowers. A very showy flowers, freely blooming sort. Normal grower, thick and very strong stems makes Kansas especially good for cutting.
Large double flowers, light pink heavily dotted dark pink. Unique sort with perfectly round finely dotted flowers. Healthy growth, nice foliage, simply a jewel among peonies! Till now very rare new sort, beautiful, recommended!
RED CHARM (Glascock 1944)
Sensational deep red double flowers. Flowers large (20 cm), perfectly formed. Mild sweet fragrance. The stems are strong and hold the large blooms erect. Excellent foliage. One of the best red coloured peonies, excellent for cutting.
SARAH BERNHARDT (Lemoine 1906)
Very large, double, dark rose-pink flowers with a slight red edging in the middle of the flower. A well known variety named for a famous actress, very floriferous, fragrant. Slow grower, many stems, widely used as cut flower.
SHIRLEY TEMPLE (Smirnow 1948)
Large white double flowers with a light blush, opening from pink buds. Slight fragrance. Good grower with strong bush and dark green foliage. Excellent for cutting.
CATHARINE FONTIJN (Van der Valk/Van der Zwet 1952)
Beautiful double pink flowers blended through white with yellow glow from center. When the flowers mature the yellow stamens become more visible and the petals nearly turn to white. Very fragrant. An excellent cut flower. Vigorous grower, very floriferous.
TOP BRASS (Klehm 1968)
Double flowers, white, wide ivory guard petals surround a large double bomb flower of canary yellow highlighted with light pink petaloids in the center. Light fragrance, good cut flower. Unique white flowers with yellow topping.
ETCHED SALMON (Cousins-Klehm 1981)
Double, deep salmon-pink to coral colour, petals with nice etched edge. The most perfect form of any of the double salmon pink peonies. Flowers lovely fragrant. Normal grower, many thick strong stems, excellent for cutting. Highly awarded, but so far rarely available.
HENRY BOCKSTOCE (Bockstoce 1955)
Full double, huge dinner plate size, rich cardinal red, excellent flowers. True red flower color comes from it being a Paeonia officinalis x lactifora hybrid. The last flowering peony of this hue in the season. Excellent grower, but slow of increase, sparse bush, heavy and tall stems. Highly prized as a cut-flower. Stunning presentation in the garden.
OLD FAITHFUL (Glasscock-Falk 1964)
Flowers large, dark velvet red, double, with heavy substance of the petals. Highly prized, in our opinion, this is the best in its class. Flowers lightly fragrant. Strong stems and healthy, dark green foliage. Excellent as a cut-flower. American Peony Society Gold Medal Winner (1997) of the best peonies!
Pretty double vivid rose, very bright flowers. Petals of uniform size give a carnation-like appearance. Wonderful spicy fragrance. One flower per stem, excellent for cutting. Very popular, but rare, seldom offered peony.
Double, large flower, light pink to blush with white central petals is surrounded by smaller saucer-shaped side flowers so each strong stem makes a bouquet. Very floriferous, flowers strongly scented. Vigorous and charming peony.
PAUL M. WILD (Wild 1964)
Large, double, velvety ruby-red flowers, beautifully formed. Graceful foliage, strong stems, excellent plant habit. A splendid peony….
GARDENIA (Lins 1955)
Full double white flowers with the occasional yellow stamen visible in the center of the large blooms. 'Gardenia' is named after the genus to which the flower form is very comparable to. Many sidebuds, providing an optional prolonged blooming season. Flowers delightfully fragrant, suitable to cutting. Dark green and fairly coarse leaflets on thick stems, fine plant habit.
AMALIA OLSON (Olson 1959)
Flowers large, well filled, globular, double, purest white imaginable. Flowers deliciously scented. Stems strong, foliage large, dark green. Amalia Olson is extremely suitable for planting cut flowers as well as for planting in gardens.
AVALANCHE (Crousse 1886)
Flowers large, globular, double, blush-white of waxy texture with a faint pink center and very narrow crimson edges to a few petals. Compact, generally incurved flower with the tips of the outer petals recurved from its ball-like center. Fragrance strong but not sweet.