Results 25 - 48 of 79
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CATHEDRAL WINDOWS - fragrant hosta

Large leaves with a wide dark green margin and yellow center. Large, nearly white flowers are fragrant! Bloom in late summer. Height of plant 50 cm. Excellent tetraploid sort with fragrant flowers, sun tolerant.

Sales price: 9 €

CORA STUBBS - XL plant No. 1 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 1. Flower Japanese form, sassy raspberry pink with large vanilla ice cream scoop center. Flowers pleasantly fragrant. Vigorous plant habit and lush foliage, one of the best!

Sales price: 28 €

CORA STUBBS - XL plant No. 2 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 2. Flower Japanese form, sassy raspberry pink with large vanilla ice cream scoop center. Flowers pleasantly fragrant. Vigorous plant habit and lush foliage, one of the best!

Sales price: 28 €

CORA STUBBS - XL plant No. 3 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 3. Flower Japanese form, sassy raspberry pink with large vanilla ice cream scoop center. Flowers pleasantly fragrant. Vigorous plant habit and lush foliage, one of the best!

Sales price: 28 €

CORAL CHARM - XL plant No. 3 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 3. Orange-coral buds open to large semi-double, coral-peach, cup-shaped flowers. Exotic deep coral fades to a softer color on opening. Flowers fragrant. Vigorous grower, thick stems. Sort received many awards, because of unique flower color. Excellent as a cut-flower.

Sales price: 28 €

CORAL CHARM - XL plant No. 4 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 4. Orange-coral buds open to large semi-double, coral-peach, cup-shaped flowers. Exotic deep coral fades to a softer color on opening. Flowers fragrant. Vigorous grower, thick stems. Sort received many awards, because of unique flower color. Excellent as a cut-flower.

Sales price: 28 €

CORAL CHARM - XL plant No. 5 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 5. Orange-coral buds open to large semi-double, coral-peach, cup-shaped flowers. Exotic deep coral fades to a softer color on opening. Flowers fragrant. Vigorous grower, thick stems. Sort received many awards, because of unique flower color. Excellent as a cut-flower.

Sales price: 28 €

CORAL CHARM - XL plant No. 6 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 6. Orange-coral buds open to large semi-double, coral-peach, cup-shaped flowers. Exotic deep coral fades to a softer color on opening. Flowers fragrant. Vigorous grower, thick stems. Sort received many awards, because of unique flower color. Excellent as a cut-flower.

Sales price: 28 €

CORAL CHARM - XL plant No. 7 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 7. Orange-coral buds open to large semi-double, coral-peach, cup-shaped flowers. Exotic deep coral fades to a softer color on opening. Flowers fragrant. Vigorous grower, thick stems. Sort received many awards, because of unique flower color. Excellent as a cut-flower.

Sales price: 28 €

CORAL SUNSET - XL plant No. 1 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 1. Flowers semi-double, deep orange-coral color, deepest of all Corall sorts and nicest fragrance in this group. Many thick, strong stems, very vigorous grower. Excellent as a cut-flower.

Sales price: 27 €

DIANA REMEMBERED - fragrant hosta

Shiny, blue-green leaves with a very wide, creamy yellow border. Vigorous Hosta plantaginea hybrid. Flowers white, very fragrant in late summer. Plant height 50 cm. A beautiful variety named after the late Diana, Princess of Wales, suitable for semi-shaded habitats, tolerates sunlight well.

Sales price: 8 €

FESTIVA MAXIMA - XL plant No.2 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 2. Flowers large, globular, double, pure white with a spot of red on a few central petals. Flowers with delightful fragrance, very floriferous sort. Stems strong, foliage large, dark green.

Sales price: 26 €

FIRE AND ICE - large hosta

Leaves creme white with dark green edge. Height 40 cm. Flowers lavender blue. A lovely hosta...

Sales price: 7 €

FLORENCE NICHOLLS - XL plant No. 2 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 2. Flowers double, blush white, with a scarlet suffusion deepening to center, opened flowers are of rose shape, very wide and narrow petals intermingled. Very fragrant! Strong stems, very vigorous and floriferous.

Sales price: 29 €

GAIJIN - small hosta

Shiny narrow green leaves with a thin yellow margin. Height only 5-10 cm, width 15 cm, flowers lavender. Suitable for containers, troughs and shady rock gardens. Cute miniature hosta...

Sales price: 6 €

GREAT ESCAPE - large hosta

Thick blue green leaves, the margins are cream white. Flowers lavender blue. A lovely hosta, extremely popular. A reliable grower.

Sales price: 7 €

GREEN HALO - XL plant No. 2 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 2. Snowy white topping of frilly petals and petaloides crown this semi-double flowered peony. Underneath lie unusual green guard petals. Flowers slightly fragrant. Very unusual, very rare...

Sales price: 39 €

GREEN LOTUS - XL plant No. 1 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No.1. Flowers single, white to light lime green base with some white and lime green streaking with touches of light to medium pink toward petal ends. Unusual cactus flowering dahlia type. Good foliage and slight fragrance. Plant height 60 cm.

Sales price: 31 €

HANKY PANKY - medium hosta

Leaves emerge dark green with gold-green borders separated from the centers with a narrow, white thread. Violet flowers. Suitable for containers and perennial plantings.

Sales price: 8 €

HYDON SUNSET - small hosta

A dense mound of heart-shaped foliage that is bright golden green in spring becoming green by mid-summer ... It blooms in July with dark lavender flowers. Height 30 cm., creates a dense tuft. Suitable for containers, on the edge of a flower bed, or shady rock gardens. I am sending a clump of several plants.

Sales price: 6 €

JOKER - XL plant No. 2 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No.2. Full double flowers, 1 - 3 per stem. Flowers open dark pink, matures to white-centre with pink picotee edge. Plants 80 cm high, strong stems. A beautiful peony, stunning flower colour changes during a day.

Sales price: 28 €

LEMON CLOUDS - XL plant No. 2 (2024)

In the case you will order this plant, you will receive exactly the one shown in the photo - XL plant No. 2. Flowers semi-double, 15 cm in diameter, soft lemon yellow, inner petals rounded, outer petals fringed. Upright growth, flowers grow single on strong stems, are fragrant and very suitable for cutting. Plant height 70 cm. A novelty, so far only rarely offered!

Sales price: 38 €

LEMON LIME - small hosta

Leaves are elongated, golden yellow, wavy. The color of the leaves can be light green to yellow depending on the light conditions. It blooms in July with dark lavender flowers. Height 15-20 cm, width 20-30 cm., creates a dense tuft. Suitable for containers, on the edge of a flower bed, or shady rock gardens. I am sending a clump of several plants.

Sales price: 6 €

LITTLE RED ROOSTER - small hosta

Shiny green leaves are slightly wavy and are held on bright red petioles. Lavender flowers are borne on bright red scapes Suitable for containers, on the edge of a flower bed, or shady rock gardens. I am sending a clump of several plants.

Sales price: 7 €


Mgr. Miroslav Řičánek
Veletržní 674/5
603 00 Brno
Phone: +420 737 183 790


About Our Shop

We guarantee all of our plants to be true to name. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, notify us at once upon receipt of your plants and we will replace plants under complain. However, we reserve the right to refuse replacements if plants have not been properly cared for once they are delivered.